Please recommend me a good active forum for insomnia...

I almost didn't sleep yesterday, maybe one or two hours. And today, I slept for one hour before waking up and not being able to go back to sleep. I'm not even under a lot of stress... Anyone else have this?


Well-known member
A friend of mine at another forum had insomnia too and at the time I researched it a bit. (She's not active on forums at the time as far as I know..)

Various things may be helpful for different people, there are quite some articles online... For some people, warm milk before sleep can help, for some not.
If you lack magnesium, magnesium rich nutrition can peraps help too.
You mustn't be too hot or too cold. An extra blanket and warm socks can help sometimes.

For me, radio sometimes helps too. Just low, pleasant music.. Especially if I was worried or the rain on the roof was loud..
Sometimes journalling and doing CBT on problems/worries/neg thoughts (ideally after lunch or so, not before sleep) can help too.. You write stuff down and get it out of your head.

(Sometimes I spent the night writing things down though, some of it were great ideas or great songs. :) Next day I did go to sleep more easily though. Especially if I had to get up relatively early and not take a nap during the day..)

Exercise during day, in sunlight (melantonin!) is good. Before bed it's bad, wakes me up. Do you get enough sunlight during day, and in the morning to wake up?
Too much EFT woke me up too, couldn't sleep. TAT was better. Have you tried it yet? (Don't fall asleep 'in position' though..)

These are just from the top of my head...

Hope things get better.. It may take a while to 'find your thing'...

That said - Dronee, you are such an awesome person, we'd really miss you here! Please don't do anything silly..

I know in Asia family is a big thing (I may be a little Asian in my thinking too..) Think about it this way: if you move away to another country, and establish a life there (or 'disappear') maybe it'd have the same effect of your brothers helping, and the benefit would be a still-alive-Dronee!! What do you think?

Also, feeling like your family relies on you is quite big stress, don't let anyone convince you otherwise..
I graduated too and it's stressful to listen to parents and relatives sometimes... I think it's normal that all brothers contribute with money.. It was their choice not to graduate too, no? Or did they work and help pay for your study? Then it may be a bit different.. Still, you are all children of your parents, not just one!! Are they willing to help the parents physically then? (If they ever get ill or such?) There can be problems among siblings who will do what if parents get ill, there are some support forums for that. If the parents are still healthy and working or get good pensions, why do they need your help in such degree? Is the pension system not working where you live or were they not insured?

You were in the army, hmm.. Did they give you any sleeping pills there?
Just asking cause my Gran has a sleeping problem sometimes and she got addicted to these pills, and I googled them and they can cause 'rebound insomnia' or something like that. (Basically they can make it even worse if you stop taking them, and can thus create addiction.)
They were thought to be 'completely safe' about ten years ago. I found online that I think US army uses them for military that has to be 'prepared'?! ugh. So, check any side effects of any meds you might have been taking.. Are you on any meds now?
What is your nutrition like? Are you vegetarian-ish? You may be lacking some vitamins and minerals.. (Maybe you could track these on or Cronometer)

What is the contract with the army like? Can you get out? Do officers get guns or just supervise others? In US, some just work in offices. Or some people may just 'guard' offices or such.. (Basically watching TV and walk around a few times..) Do you have any options where you could go?

Thyroid is in the throat, my sis had to take pills for a while, then it got better (I don't remember if she had insomnia too, she did get tested), you can google 'thyroid insomnia', quite some info online!
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well... you don't have to read it if you're that bored... glad my problems put you to sleep huh?

@ feathers: Thanks for the advice. I just hate people trivializing or making light of my inability to sleep. Yeah... it's conscription, everyone serves in some ways, most of us have handled some kind of guns at some point.

Nope, I'm not awesome. I've many flaws like being silly in a lot of situations.. but thanks anyway. :)
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Well-known member
lol I think Coyote was just trying his wondrous powers of hypnoticism over online wires.. ? :D Don't think it worked..? :rolleyes: hm? Or maybe *I* made him sleep? Ha!

@ feathers: Thanks for the advice. I just hate people trivializing or making light of my inability to sleep. Yeah... it's conscription, everyone serves in some ways, most of us have handled some kind of guns at some point.

Yeah, I know it can be bad. My Grandma complains a lot because of it too, she even got addicted to those iffy pills because of it.. I think she may be magnesium deficient, and keeps all day inside watching TV and napping in her armchair, so it's not such a wonder she's not sleepy.

The friend I mentioned was active and went for walks, and still couldn't sleep sometimes.. She was menopausal though too (I have some older friends :)), and I think it might have something to do with hormones and melantonin, or perhaps she was deficient in some minerals and vitamins too.. (and she had some worries later on, so all these can combine)
Different things can work for different people so do let us know if you try any of this and if it works!

Also, have you tried changing the position of your bed? That might help too..

If it's conscription, is it just for one year? Is it possible to do it with 'civil service' like helping in a home with the elderly or such? Some people here did it that way.. Some got doctor's certificates not to go..

Nope, I'm not awesome. I've many flaws like being silly in a lot of situations.. but thanks anyway.
I have many flaws too and some people still think I'm awesome, so huhh? :D (And yeah I was totally embrassed when someone first said it. I thought 'if only you knew,' lol!) Maybe you don't need to be flaw-less to be awesome?