WE MUST COME TO A CONCLUSION. This dinosaur is obviously a Russian spy.... So he is either forfeiting his true identity or just really drunk on vodka. Or.... he is PHOTOSHOPPED!
I love this discussion.
Here is another one up for debate:
... Why do so many of those pictures exist?
Regardless, the first dromaesaur (a superset that includes raptors and deinonychus) looks much more dangerous for the following reasons:
1. That gun is a Mini-Uzi. Its effective range is only about 100 meters and I doubt he has anywhere to hold a second mag for it.
2. Look at that pathetic arm. That dromaesaur isn't throwing that dynamite very far. (though it does have strangely well defined shoulders for being an animal with no shoulders) The RPG-7 has much greater range.
3. The first shark looked like it meant business, while the second one is clearly just showing off.