photo gallery


Well-known member
[quote="black_mamba] I need ideas for more though as I seem to have lost my imagination along with my social skills. [/quote]

black_mamba you could draw one of me if you like :D i like people doing character drawings of me :wink:


Well-known member
Seriously? I could try! But I must warn you, I tend to add wierd appendages to peoples pics. Tentacles, tails, wings. I could even turn you into a bit of a lion. :p

Danfalc said:
hmm ideas.. well theres a saying that i like which i think would make a great poster "its a dog eat dog world and ive got bigger teeth than you"

Reminds me of a great quote; Dog eat dog is canabalism.

(Not sure what to make of it though! Any ideas people?)

Aha, I have found a photo. It displays the real me; a suitable distance away from the camera so as not to feel embarrassed, bad posture, childish dress sense, frizzy hair, and that slightly pee~ed off expression. day at the beach


Well-known member
black_mamba said:
Seriously? I could try! But I must warn you, I tend to add wierd appendages to peoples pics. Tentacles, tails, wings. I could even turn you into a bit of a lion. :p

A lion sounds good too me :D I realy like your pics you have got a good imagination, if you do have the time i think it would be kool if you could draw me,not too bothered what you draw me as, as long as i dont have high heels on in it :lol:


Well-known member
worrydoll said:
hmm i dont see either cassie or codywetblading. everyone looks great...i think all people are just have to...find the button on them that makes through x

To see "codywetblading" once you have clicked on the link and the page has come up it it should say "image hosted by angelfire" once this appears click GO on your web address bar and it should then apppear,it worked for me,hope it helps and makes sense :?


Well-known member
Black Mamba, you art work is brilliant, I am very jealous of you, I mean, I am very happy you have this great talent :wink:

Seriously, excellent stuff!


Well-known member
your guys are bold

you all are bold for posting your pics, i salute you all and art work stuff too. Thanks now i can match soemof your faces with your comments. that's cool@@@!!!. it makes the forum feel Real or lifelike. I am not cimputer savvy to post a link by if anyone interested to see my pic the just page me .
I thank you all for your assertive stance of posting your pics@!!!!!


Well-known member
your guys are bold

you all are bold for posting your pics, i salute you all and art work stuff too. Thanks now i can match soemof your faces with your comments. that's cool@@@!!!. it makes the forum feel Real or lifelike. I am not cimputer savvy to post a link by if anyone interested to see my pic the just page me .
I thank you all for your assertive stance of posting your pics@!!!!!


Staff member
me doing a country yokel impression up onth'ills in Edale
