Phone convo, saying bye anxiety


Well-known member
This just happened(and always happens to me), and i was curious if this happens to anyone else. I was on the phone(which is awkward enough for me) and, the conversation was coming to an end. I always get nervous at this point about saying bye. What happens is when i go to say bye, i have a mini panic and i just say "ok, bye, alright, see you later." But, im so off timing, and i end up saying those things while the other person is saying bye. It is kind of funny, and i always laugh about it, but i always do this! Its so awkward, and it makes me feel so weird.

Anyone else have anything like this on the phone, or am i just a weirdo for it?:confused:


Well-known member
I don't have trouble saying "bye," but I do stutter on the phone a lot. For some reason, I also have trouble leaving voice messages. I always freeze up, and I don't know what to say.


Well-known member
I can completely relate, UnOccupied. :) I have massive trouble with saying "bye". On the phone, in person - anywhere.

For ex., if I'm in the vicinity when my Dad is leaving to go to work, he will often say something like, "See ya later." (I often sense a little tentativeness from him. Maybe he's bad with "byes" too - but it's more likely that his awkwardness is a response to my awkwardness.) I barely manage to mumble a "See ya" in response - and it can be excruciating to do so! For a few seconds afterward, I just stand there (or sit there) in an overwhelmed trance of embarrassment.

And I can relate to the "off timing" and other struggles you mentioned while trying to say goodbyes over the phone. I'm so embarrassed and uncomfortable over the simple word "bye" that I can hear myself uttering it with an emotionless, robotic tone. In fact - my brother actually commented on it at one point and made it a little joke - he sort-of teased me about sounding like the computerized voice that said "Goodbye" when AOL (America Online) users would log off of AOL.

I took his ribbing in stride - externally, at least - but it was one of those moments in which I found myself wishing that he could get a feel for exactly how hard it can be for me to do what non SA-afflicted people like him take for granted.

And if I can't hack even the "small" goodbyes - imagine how I've been during the big "goodbye" occassions - like a last day on a job, the last day of summer camp, the end of a family gathering, etc.. You're talking to someone who - after my high-school graduation ceremony had ended and everyone was saying their "teary" goodbyes - just walked out of the building without saying a word to anyone. I just wanted to escape, and not have to feel like I was embarrassing myself while fumbling around for the "right" things to say to people.
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I can totally relate!!, Because it's hard to say bye, because you don't know how to bring this, right?!, And I also talk when the other person is saying something :p I'm just nervous and then i talk on the wrong timing haha;p
But we should just laugh about it, right? :rolleyes:
But for me it's hard, when someone is at my place in real life, and I want the other person to go (for example, a friend of mine stayed till night, and i thought like omg.. i really want to go to bed xD) i was wondering what to say all the time.. cuz it sounds rude so say ''I want you to leave'' XD
so i just said, I'm sorry im tired, it was fun today :p'' But in the afternoon it's even harder to come up with saying something!! that's what i like about being somewhere else, i can just say like, ''But i gotta go'' But i can't say that when i'm at home!! So in real life it's even harder :eek: But i know what u mean.
Ur just afraid of how you should bring that, telling to stop the conversation..
but its very normal, people wont think bad because of that =)
X Flowergirlie


Active member
I can totally realte to that too. Have experienced the same thing when saying bye in phone conversations, get tounge tied and awkward. Phone conversations are one of the biggest problems with my SA but I'm discovering through here that I'm not alone with SA affecting my ability to talk on the phone. Whilst it sucks that other people suffer from it too it's also conforting to know I'm not alone. I also run into the same problem when saying hello especially in work situations, I've had people ask if the called the right firm when I gave the standard greeting before. Not a fun experience!


Well-known member
Phone calls are always the worst for me I always dread what am I going to say I hate having to make them. But when they are done the relief that I can do that does make me feel good.


Well-known member
I also have trouble saying goodbyes not only on the phone but also in person. I'm not really dramatic in saying goodbyes. Like at work for example most of the guys shake each others hand before saying good bye then do a little small talk right before leaving etc. I sometimes say bye abruptly during phone calls or in person. I also have a problem doing voice mail. Unfortunately, I have to write down what I say and read off it when I do that or I'll just blank out.
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