Pet pics


Well-known member

My Baby Boy! ^_^ Actually he's like 7yrs old, but he's still my baby!


Active member

I have one cat, but I used to have another- his sister. She ran away when we moved here. I miss her, she was a lot more lively than this one. He just sleeps all day. I still love him dearly though. His name is Ollie. :)


Today, I made a new best friend for free.

A cat was lonely in the car park. It ran towards me as I went home. There are a lot of cats around these apartments. I never got one to visit yet.

No mess made. When I had to let it out to carry on with what I was doing, when I checked, it was desperate to run straight back in when I opened the door. A half hour later, it was a lot harder to get rid of it. Claws everywhere. Microchipped creature made me feel bad for playing with it. Perfect behaviour.

It's funny how much I like creatures of a lower intelligence, but cannot deal with human beings of a lower intelligence: salespeople, and recruiters / headhunters / agents
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sweet little girl. <3
what a magnificent set of whiskers she has!

Thank you, she totally does. <3 It's that nearly-totally black face in contrast with that solid white snout. It makes her whiskers and eyes pop out really nicely. Though, it's the personality that pops out most. :3


New member

My boy Creedence.


My little lady, Crimidine.

MOST of the time, they're a huge pain, but most of the time I find myself alone at home and it's comforting to have a little living creature scurrying about.
Sorry for this guys, but I'm way too terrified to post a picture of myself in the picture thread, so I'll post this one here and use my dog to distract you, that way I can at least say I've posted a picture of myself.



Well-known member
People u have so adorable animals can i have them all please? ( for a dinner:D) just kidding i mean for a dinner by one table with me:) This would be hilarious thank u all for posting this make my day see so much cuteness:D