^Up north? ... SANTA??!??!
alwaysrunning Well-known member Jan 1, 2012 #3,882 ^^great at discovering people's hidden identities....and also happens to be my long lost brother =p
lonely_drummer Well-known member Jan 1, 2012 #3,887 ^obviously knows a bit about one of my biggest heros Albert Einstein
E Etbow23 Well-known member Jan 2, 2012 #3,893 Really nice person who seems to have a really good set of morals and beliefs. Respects women. Encourages other users when they need help. One of my favorite posters.
Really nice person who seems to have a really good set of morals and beliefs. Respects women. Encourages other users when they need help. One of my favorite posters.
vj288 not actually Fiona Apple Jan 4, 2012 #3,900 ^Walks around with the Mission Impossible theme in the background