People with SA are the nicest people I've ever known...

I'm new here. Just been going through a lot of posts, and I suddenly noticed something. Of all the forums I've ever visited, this has to be full of the nicest people ever! Everyone is so kind and thoughtful. It seems like all everyone wants is just to be loved, to be noticed.

I wonder if all of us with SA are like this... like little hidden gems... I wonder if maybe we are the way we are because we have such sensitive hearts in the first place. Maybe that is one positive thing about having SA- it means we have a big heart. :)

Maybe if the world took the chance to get to know us, they'd realize that. But, I guess they're just missing out, eh?

Well, just wanted to share that little observation. I hope it brightens someones day! :)


Well-known member
Thank you maria. The reason why everyone is so nice is because we all understand each other. We've always felt alone in this and it's great to find out you have plenty of company. :wink:


Well-known member
One of the best threads I've read on here so far. Good way to look at it, from a positive perspective. Maybe if we all think more like this it well help with depression, and from that who knows.....maybe it will help with actual SA to. I'm going to try to think like this from now on. Thanks.


Well-known member
I think that people perceive me as too nice at times because i lack assertion, but i am a moody person and i can snap at people.


Well-known member
Its very true what you say, i think there is an element of sincereity and understanding of being non prejudice and trying to help people ..

many forums have cliques and are rather snobbish and its harder to feel apart of the group unless your an expert ...


Well-known member
In real life - My personal opinion on S.A. is I 'appear' very nice, but it's mostly due to the fear of repercussions or negative evaluation. Unfortunately, on the inside I'm a pretty rude and selfish person.


Well-known member
Yeah. I tend to be perceive as a very sympathetic person too because of my SA I guess, as all of you are as well.

Everyone has their weakenesses and strenghts, so we should use this when we need. I think this is not a illusion, like if we just "appear" very nice like mustang said. We are like that, we just act rudely sometimes due to anxiousity, if thats the case.

If you can't suceed in social situations you learn humility and that shows up as "being nice".

That is something we gain due to a great cost which is SA.


Well-known member
Everyone is still really scary to me! Its in my nature or maybe my SA to feel incredibly wary of everyone.

Though I found nearly everyone very nice and friendly. I crept in to the chat room a couple of evenings ago and was welcomed with lots of warmth and patience. Its really helped my mood lift so thank you all.

Its odd what has been said about moods and snapping, that decribes me too. I'm a mouse but when the pressure builds I have a snapping point. I keep quiet but when I snap I snap big time.


Well-known member
miss_amy said:
Its odd what has been said about moods and snapping, that decribes me too. I'm a mouse but when the pressure builds I have a snapping point. I keep quiet but when I snap I snap big time.

Yeah, me too. People tend to perceive me as a quiet, non-confrontational person, but when someone really riles me up I can shout and rant with the best of them :wink: Then I get people saying "this isn't like you!" which makes me laugh, as most of them don't really know me at all. I don't like feeling angry though, it drains me. I've never understood why some people seem to really enjoy arguments and confrontations :? Even watching people argue on soaps and TV shows gives me a headache!


Well-known member
miss_amy said:
After you have 'snapped' do you get really upset about it or is that bit just me?

I don't know. Sometimes I find it theraputic to snap- especially when it surprises everyone, including myself.

On the whole though I prefer tranquility


Well-known member
miss_amy said:
After you have 'snapped' do you get really upset about it or is that bit just me?

No it's not just you, I get really emotional and upset after an argument. I ended up in tears last time, which was shitty cos it was at work. Luckily no one saw me, as I hate crying in public :oops:


Well-known member
I'm actually naturally a very very angry person.

Be nice to me and i'll be loyal and kind to you forever, but do anything bad to me and...well, watch your back!


Well-known member
coriander1992 said:
I'm actually naturally a very very angry person.

Be nice to me and i'll be loyal and kind to you forever, but do anything bad to me and...well, watch your back!

Hehe, I noticed the angry ducks in your avi as I read this and couldn't help thinking "watch your quack!" :lol:

I'm the same really, I don't like falling out with people but if someone crosses me I find it very hard to forgive and impossible to forget.


Well-known member
watch your quack! hehe thats a good one :D

Be nice to me and i'll be loyal and kind to you forever, but do anything bad to me and...well, watch your back!
yeah im the same, but i suppose most people would be like that i mean we give what we get really

i agree that SA people do seem more sympathetic to others which is nice and your right, its their own fault that their missing out cus we're such great people =D


Well-known member
princess_haru said:
coriander1992 said:
I'm actually naturally a very very angry person.

Be nice to me and i'll be loyal and kind to you forever, but do anything bad to me and...well, watch your back!

Hehe, I noticed the angry ducks in your avi as I read this and couldn't help thinking "watch your quack!" :lol:

I'm the same really, I don't like falling out with people but if someone crosses me I find it very hard to forgive and impossible to forget.

Hehe that made me giggle :lol:

What you said in your second sentence is exactly what i'm like...I hold mega grudges and strongly beleive in revenge and payback :roll: :lol:


Well-known member
coriander1992 said:
Be nice to me and i'll be loyal and kind to you forever, but do anything bad to me and...well, watch your back!
I'm exactly the same, and I don't think there is anything wrong with this.


Well-known member
I believe the same, the problem is we dont get the credit for it because nobody of the "outside world" knows.