People who sweat a lot and spend their lives worrying about said sweat and trying to

The worst thing you can do to a person is telling them to "just get over it" no matter what the condition they perceive to have. I have found that HH has a main physical component but it is multiplied by the anxiety and depression that it can cause. I have found that once a sweating event is triggered that I can't easily turn it off. Just recently getting my haircut has become an issue. I start sweating while I am waiting and by the time I'm in the chair, my head is soaked and my face is dripping. I had a clueless hairdresser keep telling me about it as if I didn't know. She kept asking "why you sweat so much?" Of course that me me sweat even more. I was so traumatized that I would never go there again.


Well-known member
Denial doesn't really work for me.

I know I have HH, I know most other people haven't, I know other people can't help but notice especially when touching my skin, so I know it affects my interaction with other people mostly (and certainly on balance) in a negative way. I simply can't pretend that all of those things don't happen.

IMO, denial of real issues you are confronted with on a daily basis never helps, especially not with something that is a long term problem like HH, it's not like you can 'sit it out' a few weeks till it's over.

Denial also has that other pesky characteristic about it, in that when you deny a problem you're not going to continue to try and do whatever you can (however futile it sometimes seems) to get a resolution to said problem. In many ways denial of HH as a serious ailment may well have contributed to there not being a solution yet, as the medical world has long 'denied' that HH is a serious problem (and still does to some extent, although there is now much more attention for it than ever before I think).

For me the best I can manage is say 'ok I do have this problem with HH that f's up the life I would have had otherwise in ways I don't even want to contemplate, but I'll try to still live a little once in a while if the oppertunity arises'. But I can't say 'oh it's not that big of a deal anyway'...cause it simply is.

I know the OP has nothing but good intentions and has HH himself so I get it...but if some advise like this comes from someone without HH I for one always get a little bit miffed.