Passive Agressive


I've been on a roll the passed couple days. It's almost as if a line has been drawn in the sand and I just don't want to take any more of what people have been dishing out to me over the past years. My latest issue is birthday was Friday. I received the usually cards and greetings from friends, but (almost) never do I get any birthday wishes from my family members. I should be used to is by now, but it just eats me up and I have never been able to get past it. On an average -- Maybe once in a five year period will I get an acknowledgement. This year I got nothing. Nothing from my mother, brother or sister. Unfortunately, me and my sister were at a Wake on my birthday and she didn't even say anything then. I'm not asking for gifts -- not even a card -- just an acknowledgement. (Just a note, I do acknowledge theirs every year). So each year I put up with this and say nothing. Do they just forget or do they actually remember and don't feel the need to acknowledge. Honestly, I can't tell which is worse. This year for some reason, I'm so P***ed that I want to pick a fight. :veryangry:


Well-known member
Happy b-day! You should remind your family of your b-day and see how they respond. Maybe they forgot or something. If they respond affirmatively, next time try to remember their b-days.


Well-known member
Happy belated birthday... I'm sorry to hear about that....

I hate it when people take anyone of us for granted and do stuff like that, denial of acknowledgement....

Not even the gift, material possessions don't matter... Just the actual acknowledgement that we exist.


Well-known member
Thinking about the topic, girls tend to act passive aggressive. All that backstabbing and gossiping is very common. I've had so-called childhood "friends" who are passive aggressive. For example, I had a falling out with a friend, so another friend decided to "take revenge" by putting me down on my failures. When I didn't get an award for something, she would say, "haha.." (think of Nelson from the Simpsons) and look at me to see how I would react. I didn't say anything though. She just kept doing it until she got tired of it.

Now, as an adult, I feel like calling her out for her behavior, because I guess I'm tired of holding it in for years. I don't know if she has grown out of her passive aggressiveness though, now that she's a teacher and all. I want to burst her bubble of happiness and just confront her about it, for once. But whatever, she'll probably say the past is the past and tell me to forget. I'm tired of being in her shadow. My mom thinks she's such a good role model, blah blah, and I should copy her and keep in touch, all that sh*t. I sent her an e-card last Christmas and got no reply whatsoever. I'm cutting those people from my life.

I was a participant in this type of behavior too, living in a bad neighborhood and befriending people who were of bad influence.


Well-known member
I would talk to your family and get it all out in the open, but just try and remain calm (even though you are upset).