I have very pale skin, and have started using 'holiday skin body lotion', doesn't make me tanned, just gives me a little bit of colour and 'glow', just enough to give me a little confidence boost.
JoeRandomUser said:I'm very pale. I tan easily because I have an olive complexion, but I spend so much time indoors that I never see the sun. I like it, though. I have a thing for pale skin, particularly on girls; I think dark hair and pale skin is just sooo sexy. mmmm... I love the contrast.
Add a tattoo or two (tasteful, not overbearing) and a couple piercings and there you have it. My dream girl. ;-)
beautiful_soul said:a pale skin looks awesome with all colors of hair, coolespecially black hair
Abselutely nothing. As mentioned, it can be really hot.jourjaune said:What's wrong with being pale?