Pale Skin


Well-known member
recluse said:
Ok someone please tell me why there is an obsession with tanning!?

I'm sick of seeing Paris Hilton wannabies with orange skin, what's wrong with the natural look?

I find pale skinned girls attractive...Nothing wron with it!

I agree 100%


Well-known member
Pale skin is very beautiful, and fake tan is completely and utterly THE most vile invention - ever. I'm pale, and i burn ever so easily - so i just pile on the factor 50, or avoid the sun altogether.

My paleness is one of the only things i like about my appearance! My arms and legs are bright white - and i show them off with pride! I sometimes even use white powder on my face to make me look paler (i'm not exactly a goth, but there are elements of goth in the way i look - like wearing white face powder!)

Don't be ashamed because of your pale skin. Use it as a statement against mainstream fashion - down with radioactive orange tans!


Well-known member
I have a light skin tone,I think its because I never got out much,it gets red with almost everything,insect bites,in the hot climate,when I scratch and etc.


Well-known member
We're dealing with personal preferences so we're gonna disagree pointlessly, but...

I love light brown skin, like Vanessa Hudgens. Fuck that skin tone is the best.

I'm also dark.


Well-known member
In my experience, if you grew up living in a place where light skin is common, some people are more inclined to want to darken themselves a little. Also, if you live in a place where dark skin is common, some people might consider light skin prettier.


nothin wrong with pale skin. nothing wrong with any colour of skin.... no point in worrying about things like that, because theres nothing wrong.


Well-known member
Pale skin attractive? I admit a girl with pale skin is attractive but pale skin on a dude >.< Maybe some with good facial features or something.

Unfortunately for me, I'm very pale. Everyone at work calls me Powder. I wouldn't mind being so pale if there was at least SOMETHING good physically about me but theres not really. Skinny, white, huge pink fish lips, and... well ya...

But I'm very much against fake tans... so oh well...


Well-known member
I'm an extremely fair-skinned redhead, which is one of the reasons I refuse to wear a bathing suit or shorts in public. I'm convinced that a chalk white body just looks disgusting. (especially mine. :( ) Anyway, I couldn't tan anyway, since all I do is burn.
I've tried those self-tanner creames, but they always turn out looking unnatural on someone with my colouring.