Well-known member
I can definitely see your point about the lack of "reality" that the internet can create. I've seen internet exchanges where it's clear that both parties have forgotten that there's a real person sitting behind the opposing keyboard. I also think that people are sometimes slightly exaggerated versions of themselves online.
I think internet dating can work if you treat it exactly the way you describe and find common interests. I've never used an online dating site so I can't say what they are like, but I figured that was actually how they worked. People being matched up based on their interests, and using that as a starting point to get to know each other better. Perhaps I have that wrong though, and it's all just cybersex and stuff.
I think the "dating site" aspect of it creates an expectation and also attracts creepers. Say you go to a meetup via meetup.com for philosophy or something then you don't have the same expectation and I think that allows people to connect without pressure.