Official role-play thread!


Well-known member
Wow, now we have a limo-copter, everyone could fit in there. So everyone who wanted to go went on it and it was great. You could see the city lights all lit up and firecrackers of red, blue, purple, green, yellow and orange coming up in the sky..


You want to know how I got these scars?
Im sorry foam, but colourful fireworks and helicopter rides are not my idea of a good time!


So everyone says holy s h i t!! It is a nuclear explosion!
Look at those colors, so pretty!..
Then we realized... those aren't fireworks.. thats a nuclear explosion!!!
um...........people, can we please all just concentrate on developing a contingency plan that will help us survive the upcoming Nuclear Winter!? :eek:

We are going to end up running out of food to eat fairly soon, so I suggest we all draw straws now, and whoever draws the short straw, becomes the first person we all eat. What say, all of you?

Unless anyone wishes to die a hero and voluntarily wants to offer their body to provide sustenance for all of us?


You'll get a nice park named after you......
Although there may not be many survivors to see the plaque with your name on it.... :thinking:

Yeah, forget that. *gathers up a handful of straws from a waste bin and cuts one straw shorter than the others and arranges them all to stick out the same length from her fist*

Holds the handful of straws out for everyone to take one, Ok, here we go.......
*BlueDays picks out the first straw from her handful*

I've picked the short straw!!!!!
wtf! :shyness:

Everyone awkwardly smiles at BlueDays.

Just then vj, starts up his amazing saxohpone music again, playing an uplifting version of Blue Oyster Cult's song "(Don't Fear) the Reaper". for Bluedays, who by now has started to seriously hyperventilate ;thinking about the fact that everyone will be roasting her body over an open fire, in the not too distant future.

But just then...........


Well-known member
SORRY BLUEEEEEE >.<, i was making the post while you posted yours (it's hard to find good GIFs), but yes! LET'S start a new alternative timeline!


Well-known member
Unless anyone wishes to die a hero and voluntarily wants to offer their body to provide sustenance for all of us?


Hello? you guys already ate my character remember?, you damned murderers !!

You'll get a nice park named after you......
Although there may not be many survivors to see the plaque with your name on it.... :thinking:

Yeah so pidgeons can leave their "presents" on it

I've picked the short straw!!!!!
wtf! :shyness:

mmm Blue? Why are you blushing o_O? you're gonna die and they will eat your corpse haha

Would be cool having a jello green thing around immune to radiation that could go search for some not-so-radioactive-food, right?
A pity you ate me and what was left of me was erased by Lily denying my existence...

But just then...

*Being immune to the Space Time continuum, Blue hears her master's voice*



3 Choices:

A: Look for the Dragon Balls and then realize everyone will be dead by the time you find them

B: Not listen to your master's voice and seek an alternative to your grim future (probably the best)

C: Use a genie lamp intead of the dragon balls and then the genie reminds you that one of the rules is: not ressurecting the dead.

F0AM, wHy DiD yOu pOsT aLl thIs useLeSs chOiCes whEre eVeRYone is dOoMed?!

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mmm Blue? Why are you blushing o_O? you're gonna die and they will eat your corpse haha
Well golly gosh, FOAM. Isn't it obvious why I was blushing?
When you'all are roasting me over an open fire, my clothes will burn off first, so......then you will all see me nekked before my skin starts to cook. See!? I know I will be dead and all, but I still don't like the idea of everyone seeing me like that! lol, hence the :shyness:
Would be cool having a jello green thing around immune to radiation that could go search for some not-so-radioactive-food, right?
A pity you ate me and what was left of me was erased by Lily denying my existence...

*Being immune to the Space Time continuum, Blue hears her master's voice*



3 Choices:

A: Look for the Dragon Balls and then realize everyone will be dead by the time you find them

B: Not listen to your master's voice and seek an alternative to your grim future (probably the best)

C: Use a genie lamp intead of the dragon balls and then the genie reminds you that one of the rules is: not ressurecting the dead.

F0AM, wHy DiD yOu pOsT aLl thIs useLeSs chOiCes whEre eVeRYone is dOoMed?!

Blue amazingly manages to muster up an optimistic brain fart, and runs off to get herself some Dragon Balls to bring her Master-FOAM back to life...

(4 hours later)

Running back and kneeling on her knees - looking up to the creepy, dark dust cloud that is now the sky - Blue yells out to her Master with a triumphant exclamation, (like that of a young child who has just successfully managed to tie their own shoelaces for the first time)....

"I have the Dragon Balls, Master-FOAM!!"

Her Master's puzzled, but very impressed voice comes out of nowhere and says, "How the hell did you manage that!?"

Blue explains that her cousin knows a San Francisco baker, who knows a troll that drives a magic tram there and his Aunt is married to a reincarnated dragon who came back as a dog, who remembers his past life as a dragon and
knows that his dragon daughter (who is still alive and he keeps in contact with) told him that her boyfriend dragon is a drunk, so it will be easy for me to cut off his Dragon Balls while he is past out drunk, after 10:00pm at night.
*Blue takes a deep breath*

Master-FOAM pauses for a moment to determine if he actually needed to know any of that.........? :thinking:

So blue whips out a only slightly used Magic Cauldron that she got for a bargain price of $43 on ebay, and starts to summon the reincarnated spirit of Master-FOAM....

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake; de dum, dum.
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble!!!!


Out of the cauldron pops Master-FOAM'S new living form, which is a........


Well-known member
Out of the cauldron pops Master-FOAM'S new living form, which is a........


ok step by step:

Her Master's puzzled, but very impressed voice comes out of nowhere and says, "How the hell did you manage that!?"

Literally, i was IRL like : how did she do that!?

Blue explains that her cousin knows a San Francisco baker, who knows a troll that drives a magic tram there and his Aunt is married to a reincarnated dragon who came back as a dog, who remembers his past life as a dragon and
knows that his dragon daughter (who is still alive and he keeps in contact with) told him that her boyfriend dragon is a drunk, so it will be easy for me to cut off his Dragon Balls while he is past out drunk, after 10:00pm at night.
*Blue takes a deep breath*

First of all we NEED a spin-off explaining all thes with detail!

Master-FOAM pauses for a moment to determine if he actually needed to know any of that.........?

Yes, i want to know everything!

So blue whips out a only slightly used Magic Cauldron that she got for a bargain price of $43 on ebay, and starts to summon the reincarnated spirit of Master-FOAM....

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake; de dum, dum.
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble!!!!

Hahaha Blue's post is awesome, "um, dum de dum" part remind me of (i hope you recited it like that)


Out of the cauldron pops Master-FOAM'S new living form, which is a.....

ME, MARIO!! nonono i'm joking

F0AM: YES! i'm back muahahaha

Blue: O_O
F0AM: what?
Blue: O_O...Master?
F0AM: What?!
Blue: Y-your body...
F0AM: what's wrong with my...O.O!?
*F0AM runs towards a mirror and after seeing his reflection*
F0AM: My body is that of a KID!!!!...Blue...
Blue: yes?
F0AM: let's check those ingredients: fenny snake and lizard's leg?
Blue: Yes!
F0AM:howlet's wing and powerful charm?
Blue: checked!
F0AM: Dragon balls?
Blue: Here! i have the balls he....

F0AM: ¬¬

*F0AM unlocked: Tho not as strong as in his mature form, he still retains some of his Jello form skills, like immunity to radiation (to an extent)

Sorry for the long post, told Blue to ignore the master's's her fault!

Thanks Blue for your great post, it was fun!
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^ LOL!! :lol: :applause: :perfect:

I laughed so hard at your excellent response, FOAM, that I nearly choked on my mouthful the dinner I was eating, before quickly realising that I should not continue to eat my dinner while reading your incredibly funny part of the story. :bigsmile:


Well-known member
^ LOL!! :lol: :applause: :perfect:

I laughed so hard at your excellent response, FOAM, that I nearly choked on my mouthful the dinner I was eating, before quickly realising that I should not continue to eat my dinner while reading your incredibly funny part of the story. :bigsmile:

Haha glad you liked it! My job in this thread is done, let's write a story and publish It, Blue! Hopefully we'll earn some money selling copies or at least the hatred of the ppl. Either way, we'll be famous!!
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Hmmm, where were we? :thinking:

Well technically, Fountain and Bluedays are still on the twister tarp, waiting for everyone else to get back from the spontaneous
limo-helicopter ride and join them in the Twister game.

Its been 2 weeks now, and apart from the allowed 3-times-a-day-toilet-breaks, Fountain and Bluedays are now REALLY in need of a SHOWER!! :eek:
Even the feral rats that live in Pug's attic can no longer stand the stench drifting upwards from poor Fountain and Bluedays (stuck on the Twister tarp for 2 weeks) and have moved into the attic of the house next door.

Everyone who went off on the limo-helicopter ride have been arguing on Pug's front lawn (after landing back there) over the past 2 weeks, whether the pretty lights they saw in the sky were fireworks or a nuclear explosion.

Funnily enough, the people who had only drunk the beer at Pug's party had only seen fireworks.
It was the people who had actually drunk some of Pug's homemade "special" Punch ;) that thought they saw a nuclear bomb exploding.


side note: Sadly theslowesthand drunk too much of Pug's homemade "special" Punch, and dropped dead on the spot, therefore he obviously will no longer be partaking in Pug's party. (The law suit from theslowesthand's family is pending....)

So after Pug had brought his garden-hose inside and hosed off poor Fountain and Bluedays - making the air in the house breathable - everyone else comes inside and finally joins in the game of Twister...

After a while, a tangled mess of bodies form on the Twister tarp, and then......
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Well-known member
Everyone who went off on the limo-helicopter ride have been arguing on Pug's front lawn (after landing back there) over the past 2 weeks, whether the pretty lights they saw in the sky were fireworks or a nuclear explosion.


After a while, a tangled mess of bodies form on the Twister tarp, and then......

Is there anything wrong with me if the first thing that comes to my mind is the final scene of "Society" when i read this? lol
Is there anything wrong with me if the first thing that comes to my mind is the final scene of "Society" when i read this? lol
I was not familiar with "Society" I googled the ending scene of it.


Oh how I wish I did not bother doing that! LOL :eek:h::eek:mg:

To answer your question, no there is nothing wrong with your subconscious being compelled to bring up that scene in your mind, after reading the words;
"...a tangled mess of bodies..."
If I had that image stored away in my memory, mine would have too, lol :p