Off Topic


Well-known member
If I get to be Royal Plaguebearer of Off Topic like I was in ChatBox, I'll call you whatever you like.



Well-known member
Thank you, your Highness, for allowing us to be humble servants of your Court. Though surely unfit for such tasks, we shall do our utmost to be worthy of the faith you have so graciously placed in us, your humble servants.

*backs away while bowing profusely*


Well-known member
It works! We had a great time there the other night - met lots of interesting people, and no one got banned (that I know of).


Well-known member
i think i better watch what i say on here from now on::eek::

if i catch you peeing in my garden once more buster , i swear ill set the gogs on you :mad: you have been warned :mad: hang on ? gog whats a gog ? i ment dog ........