Obsession with cleanliness

Introverted One

New member

I have an obsession with cleanliness. For example, I can't stand touching things and not washing my hands afterwards.

I had this obsession some time before, but I discovered hand sanitizer and used it frequently instead of washing my hands. That saved my hands back then, but now I can't use it because the skin on my hands is red, cracked and itchy and applying it would give me a burning sensation. I use hand repair cream instead, each time after I wash my hands, but it doesn't seem to be working much because of the frequency of washing my hands.

I just want to stop, not only because of the damage it does to my hands, but also because my water bills are very expensive due to my washing obsession, not to mention all the soap I have to buy. I am also obsessed with showering, and although I don't always do it daily, I spend at least 30 minutes in the shower, and sometimes take multiple showers one after the other because I am under the impression I am not clean enough once I come out. Sometimes I spend as much as 15-30 minutes in the bathroom just washing and re-washing my hands because I have the feeling something went wrong and my hands aren't clean enough. Like the hand cream I apply, it feels oily so when I wash my hands I soap them at least twice, if not thrice or more to remove it. Then I spend a good deal rinsing them because I am obsessed there might be soap left. When I shower I shampoo my hair at least twice, maybe thrice if I don't feel it's clean, even if I had already showered minutes before.

Again, I want to stop, I realize this is unhealthy, but I simply can't make myself. I tried to force myself not to wash my hands at times, but I become stressed out, anxious, start to sweat, which makes it worse because it will mean I will have to shower and use even more water and products. As with the classic OCD symptoms I guess, the rituals have to be performed to relive from the anxiety. It's that I only feel comfortable when I am out of the shower, or after having washed my hands, and feel squeaky clean.

My cleanliness obsession is like a vicious circle. It prevents me from doing the cleaning up of my apartment often, because I don't want to become dusty for example. It's an ordeal when I do it. I refuse to eat foods that have to be touched by hand, like hamburgers and sandwiches, unless I have the option to wash my hands immediately. When I cook I'm very careful not to get dirty and sometimes even don't cook because it's too much of a hassle and stress. After I wash the dishes I have to shower and change clothes, because I'm paranoid some of the dirty water might have splashed onto my clothes or skin. Actually I avoid eating as often as possible, because I don't want to get dirty somehow. This makes me feel weak and depressed. Taking out the garbage is the worst part. I always have to schedule it, before I shower, because I feel extremely dirty afterwards.

Sometimes my self-suggestion makes me paranoid, like I am under the impression I touched against something dirty, although in reality I didn't. For example if it's inches away and I didn't touch it, but I have the feeling I did nonetheless. Feeling dirty sometimes makes me feel so terrible that I have panic attacks, get blocked and can't do anything normally.

It's worse if I am out somewhere and feel dirty. I sometimes run late to meetings due to my excessive washing and I'm afraid it's interfering with my efficiency at work. I always visit public bathrooms to wash, and since showering is not a possibility, if I sweat (usually because of becoming stressed out) I will not be able to enjoy the rest of the time left. My thoughts will be focused on getting home, showering and changing clothes. If it's not a compulsory meeting and it's a day out with friends or family, I sometimes even excuse myself and leave to get home and wash, and therefore my day out is ruined.

Sometimes being focused on something else, like work, watching TV or surfing the Internet helps but not always. I also used to spend much more time when I showered, over an hour, because I would soap myself at least four times, but I managed to reduce it to once or twice and feel clean. Yet for some reason I couldn't do the same thing about shampooing my hair. My hair gets oily quick, so I have to wash it at least every other day if I have to go somewhere.

I wouldn't want to use medication to treat this problem, cause I heard there are side effects and I don't react well to a lot of medication in general. So I'm more interested in self-suggestion and control techniques. Can I mentally program myself to feel I am NOT dirty, instead of keeping to tell myself that I am? And how?

Well, this was long, but I hope someone can advise me or at least relate and share experiences and how you managed to overcome it. Thanks for reading.


Well-known member
My cleanliness issues aren't as severe as yours. It mostly just confined to my own house, you sound like you have OCD. Mine is mild to moderate but yours sounds severe. If you've not gone to the doctor yet because you don't want to be on medicine, I'd suggest you go anyways and state clearly that you'd like to work out a way to diminish this without the use of medication. If various other options don't work it might be best to just try it, if it means helping your condition. I hope things get better and I'm sorry I couldn't offer anymore help dear.
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You sound great deal like me.. I think mine is getting quite severe, not that much as yours though. It has developed over time, I wasn't like this when I was 18 for example. I have no idea what to do with it. I am on and off thinking about starting some medications but at the same time I believe meds are a toxic **** which will destroy you over time more than help, so this is probably not the ideal solution. Maybe this OCD is connected to how crappy I always feel, physically and mentally.

Introverted One

New member

I thought about the doctor option but as far as I've heard there are two techniques, medication and therapy. I'm somewhat afraid of therapy, at least the kind I read about, because it would force me to touch "dirty" things and deal with it, what would make me experience the horrible feeling of anxiety I so hate. I tried it myself, to force myself not to wash my hands for example, and it felt horrible. It prevents me from enjoying anything. I tried a lot of stuff, like watching a favorite movie or doing something I normally enjoy, but I can't focus on it. So the result was just prolonged stress for many hours.

Sometimes I have dreams about getting dirty, like going to the kitchen and touching something, and when I wake up, I don't realize for sure whether it was a dream or I really went there and did that. Needless to say, even those dreams trigger me to go clean up.

Like I said, I had this obsession some time before too, but I got rid of it somehow. I am not sure what exactly triggered it, nor what exactly made me calm down about it and cut down on the washing. The hand sanitizing gel was a reason maybe. I also used make up removal wet tissues to clean and moisturize my hands. Sometimes if my hands got dirty rubbing one of those tissues on them was enough to make me feel clean and comfortable enough not to need to wash my hands for a while. They also helped to remove the burning and itching sensation for a while. I'm trying to use them now, but my hands are in a worse shape than ever. In some places they have been bleeding.

When I look back and realize how many hours a day I waste with this crap, how it interferes with my work, social life, sleep, eating habits, health, everything, I just want to stop and say enough of this, but it's so much easier said than done.
I used to think meds were a no-go too. But in a case this severe I think you could benefit from giving them a try, I know I did. After seeing how they help, you may decide to continue or you may not. Studies show that both meds and cognitive-behavioral therapy is the most successful in treating ocd, but maybe you could start with meds and then ease into the therapy, either way your Dr. could probably give you the best advice on that.


New member
I don't have any advice for overcoming it, but I wanted to let you know that there's someone else who has the same compulsions. When I was reading your post, I kept thinking "that sounds just like me." It's awful, isn't it? I have tried all kinds of meds, but none have helped me that much. I've tried to therapy, but it's hard to stick with it. I am going to call tomorrow to resume that though because I think that's what will help the most. It's not easy, but it's worth it.
I am new to this forum and I have ocd. I am obsessed with cleaniness but not to the extent you are. My suggestion to you is this- seek out a cognitive behavioral therapist. I have been seeing one and have improved dramatically! I am sure if work with a beahvioral therapist you will see results. I hope this helps.
Again, I want to stop, I realize this is unhealthy, but I simply can't make myself

I know this isn't what you want to hear , but you have to stop yourself , with the help of therapy you have to make yourself. In the end you wont sweat and get anxious , you will overcome it ..honestly you will , but you have to force yourself to take this leap and know you wont suffer the anxiety over it forever.



I thought about the doctor option but as far as I've heard there are two techniques, medication and therapy. I'm somewhat afraid of therapy, at least the kind I read about, because it would force me to touch "dirty" things and deal with it, what would make me experience the horrible feeling of anxiety I so hate. I tried it myself, to force myself not to wash my hands for example, and it felt horrible. It prevents me from enjoying anything. I tried a lot of stuff, like watching a favorite movie or doing something I normally enjoy, but I can't focus on it. So the result was just prolonged stress for many hours.

Sometimes I have dreams about getting dirty, like going to the kitchen and touching something, and when I wake up, I don't realize for sure whether it was a dream or I really went there and did that. Needless to say, even those dreams trigger me to go clean up.

Like I said, I had this obsession some time before too, but I got rid of it somehow. I am not sure what exactly triggered it, nor what exactly made me calm down about it and cut down on the washing. The hand sanitizing gel was a reason maybe. I also used make up removal wet tissues to clean and moisturize my hands. Sometimes if my hands got dirty rubbing one of those tissues on them was enough to make me feel clean and comfortable enough not to need to wash my hands for a while. They also helped to remove the burning and itching sensation for a while. I'm trying to use them now, but my hands are in a worse shape than ever. In some places they have been bleeding.

When I look back and realize how many hours a day I waste with this crap, how it interferes with my work, social life, sleep, eating habits, health, everything, I just want to stop and say enough of this, but it's so much easier said than done.

I know what you are going through, I have a cleanliness thing (though more with toilets and certain bodily functions and I even used to show for an hour or so.

The best bet is both meds and behaviour therapy, the meds will dull that sense of anxiety (they also make you feel quite nice lol) and make the therapy doable. Do not be a pus and procrastinate see you doctor and get a referral to a psychiatrist asap.


HI Introverted one.
I kinda have smth that similar to you... some things differ.
But I HAVE OBLIGED MYSELF to not wash my hands for about 2 weeks and yesterday for the first time in about 4 years, I have felt a certain peace.
Of course bfore that, I spend two weaks of pain, like a drug addict in rehab , scatching, head ackes and even curling in my bed at times beggin god to make my head sto this infernal cycle.
STILL TODAY IT KICKED IN A BIT... the habit is again annoying me. But now, I have decided to take action, so I started looking on the net and I saw ur post as I was looking through google the following: ''i have an obssession with washing my hands''. And I saw ur post, which made me wanna register ;).
I have come up with a few theories but seems like talking about it and sharing is the first. Also, makes it less dramatic and once outta my head seems I CAN MORE EASILY REALIZE THE RIDICUL OF IT. Even if I know it I can't seem to fight it and as you it does make me nervous and even I become angry and shout easily, like I get mad at those I love. Anyway, I am sure our cases differ in many ways. But I am also sure there is a good explanation and it's not craziness. Smth we can't see that our unconscious mind is minterpreting. Anyway, one thing I am sure of I will beat it. I know I will win, there is a reason always. I don't wanna b sad anymore that's it's stopping me from being me and free. God!
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Well-known member
I also suffer from this. I will always wash my hands after i :-

1) Shake hands (which will be like extremely rare)
2) Touch coins/currency
3) After i touch elevator button/door handles etc.


You sound great deal like me.. I think mine is getting quite severe, not that much as yours though. It has developed over time, I wasn't like this when I was 18 for example. I have no idea what to do with it. I am on and off thinking about starting some medications but at the same time I believe meds are a toxic **** which will destroy you over time more than help, so this is probably not the ideal solution. Maybe this OCD is connected to how crappy I always feel, physically and mentally.

Hey Lea.
I am frogpetal...
Seems like I am a severe case too. Am really starting to get desperate now... So what do u do to make it better? P.s: Don't go for meds!! I woudn't... unless u already started... take care and hope to hear from u.


I am new to this forum and I have ocd. I am obsessed with cleaniness but not to the extent you are. My suggestion to you is this- seek out a cognitive behavioral therapist. I have been seeing one and have improved dramatically! I am sure if work with a beahvioral therapist you will see results. I hope this helps.

wow, gld to hear it works... sometimes... seems never ending.... I always say it relates to mental things.... but it so also about good will I guess...


Hey Lea.
I am frogpetal...
Seems like I am a severe case too. Am really starting to get desperate now... So what do u do to make it better? P.s: Don't go for meds!! I woudn't... unless u already started... take care and hope to hear from u.

Aw, coincidentaly I see now your message, no I changed my mind (for now :)) about meds. I don't do anything about the cleanliness illness yet, except of trying to clean even better :eek:.


I am new to this forum and I have ocd. I am obsessed with cleaniness but not to the extent you are. My suggestion to you is this- seek out a cognitive behavioral therapist. I have been seeing one and have improved dramatically! I am sure if work with a beahvioral therapist you will see results. I hope this helps.

wow, gld to hear it works... sometimes... seems never ending.... I always say it relates to mental things.... but it so also about good will I guess...


Well-known member
Hi Introverted One, I can really relate to you about this.
I wash my hands after everything I do.
In the summer my hands are fine, during the winter when the air is dry they bleed.
I shower twice a day, thankfully not more.
I hope we can all find some kind of solution or at least a way to lessen this obsession.
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I was thinking...
About ur phobia with dust...
Dust has to do with things getting old and old.
They say that with peace one accepts the passing of time...
I am not saying that u fear to get old... but perhaps this dust phobia has something to do with something that was never accomplished in ur life.... something about u that is frustrated and that wants to be rebonded to what once made him feel alive and connected to a positive and reassuring source. Maby u fear to let go of that dust phobia cause maby somehow inside u, even if u r not aware of it directly.... there is a gap... like u forgot somth that would b the key to finding peace and therefore not fearing just to live live and feel clean. I always feel sometimes that feeling dirty is a sort of disconnexion from the real me... like I am abducted by my own fear. U see fear of letting time pass (which is what creates dust, things become dust in time) is a fear of letting life bloom on the other side. So something that was once somthing good like ur life becoming u, becomes somth ****ty, smth where u only feel that u r the bad side of things... So I suggest, u think back in ur life about a betrayal, or smth that happenned to u or simply things in society that u see and dislike or smth that disspointed in within someone close... anyway, maby I am talking crap but maby not... whatever the case, there's always a solution. And what I said was just a suggestion or not.... Anyway, take care...


I was thinking...
About ur phobia with dust...
Dust has to do with things getting old and old.
They say that with peace one accepts the passing of time...
I am not saying that u fear to get old... but perhaps this dust phobia has something to do with something that was never accomplished in ur life.... something about u that is frustrated and that wants to be rebonded to what once made him feel alive and connected to a positive and reassuring source. Maby u fear to let go of that dust phobia cause maby somehow inside u, even if u r not aware of it directly.... there is a gap... like u forgot somth that would b the key to finding peace and therefore not fearing just to live live and feel clean. I always feel sometimes that feeling dirty is a sort of disconnexion from the real me... like I am abducted by my own fear. U see fear of letting time pass (which is what creates dust, things become dust in time) is a fear of letting life bloom on the other side. So something that was once somthing good like ur life becoming u, becomes somth ****ty, smth where u only feel that u r the bad side of things... So I suggest, u think back in ur life about a betrayal, or smth that happenned to u or simply things in society that u see and dislike or smth that disspointed in within someone close... anyway, maby I am talking crap but maby not... whatever the case, there's always a solution. And what I said was just a suggestion or not.... Anyway, take care...


Well-known member
I wash my hands every time I walk into my house. EVERY time.

I turn door-handles with just my pinky if possible or my knuckles. Same with the toilet flush handle.


Well-known member
When I was a teenager I used to have some problems like yours but not so severe (having many showers and hair washings, brushing my teeth many times a day, ...). I can tell you I had no therapy or meds and it disappeared. Nowadays, I haven´t any obsession with cleanliness but I can´t stand clutter. At home everything has its place and is organised. Family and friends usually say my house looks like a museum but I do not like to collect things and I don´t have a lot at home. In fact, all that is not absolutely necessary go straight to the trash or I offer to people who want it, even if it was a present!