Obsession with cleanliness


Well-known member
I kind of have an obsession with cleanliness too, although yours is much more severe. I wash my hands always before and after eating, after being outside or going to other buildings, or touching something that's dirty. I remember when I was little I held a snail and it was slimey, and after that I kept washing my hands with lots of soap and couldn't touch anything or eat because I was afraid my hands weren't clean enough. And if I'm making food, especially if dealing with raw meat, I wash my hands after each time I touch the food so I don't contaminate something. Also, something that really bothered me was my friend had pet turtles and she kept picking them up and letting them walk on her couch and carpet and she would put them on her and touch objects like her iPod and things while she touched her turtles. I was freaked out by that because they have salmonella, so I thought it was really gross that she let them walk around everywhere and she didnt change her clothes after they crawled on her. I touched the turtles, but didn't put them on me or anything, and I washed my hands over and over afterwards and still felt dirty...
Another thing, that maybe some of you can relate to, is that I get kinda grossed out by sharing food or drinks with friends, especially if they use the same straw/spoon/fork that I was using. I find myself thinking "should I really put that back in my mouth after they used it to eat/drink"? I still share with them, cause I'm nice and most of my friends are close like family, but I'm always afraid of bacteria and being unclean...

I'm not sure what you can do about it, sorry, but let me just say that being obsessed with cleanliness is MUCH better than not caring how dirty or gross things are. I've seen people who don't wash their hands, have bad hygene and their houses are filthy. I'd rather be around a person that cares about cleanliness.