In my opinion, if women don't like you the way you are, then don't date them. Trying to change yourself in order to get a woman who doesn't initially like you will not end in happiness. Quite the opposite ... I've seen that kind of thing happen between the people I have met, and it is not a good experience.
As I mentioned in another thread (think it was "Just be yourself and you will meet people who appreciate you for who you are"), (imho) the key to effective self-change is to do it
TWEAK, not WREAK). The world is NOT a black-or-white place .. there is MUCH between sunrise and sunset.
I am unsure as to the degree of change the author intends his listeners to partake in. He intention seems to be for ALL (love-shy) guys to make ALL the necessary changes REGARDLESS of "how far away" they are from the "target". I think he mentioned that it might take months - that's good, do the changes gradually.
Another good thing that I would add, which the author possibly might not agree with, is just to
TWEAK - and
leave it at that (ie don't try to set about changing who your basic core personality is; ie if you're a "shy guy" then REMAIN being essentially a shy guy)
So, keeping the above in mind, this system CAN still be useful.
For instance, say you KNOW a girl "likes" you, but you're too shy to ever "progress" in the "romantic" (sex) sense. By applying some of this guy's cd in a
SUBTLE way (which may or may not be the author's intention), which
WON'T change your basic personality (who you are), it could allow you to maybe change a few minor beliefs & actions, resulting in gaining "progress" with her, eventually leading to a DATE. The changes you made to yourself would have been only minor TWEAKS to your personality, but these minor tweaks have allowed a MAJOR progression to take place (ie a first date .. which could very well turn into a successful long-term relationship).
Edit: In terms of the quoted part by A friend in need, in the above example, say that this woman does initially like you. So the problem isn't about the liking/compatibility/etc not being there, but the problem is that your love-shyness is in the practical sense, getting in the way of two compatible people "getting together"