actually there are a couple of people- may be 3. But I won't necessarily feel 100% comfortable around them 100% of the time. None of them are female, sadly.
Mia: No, you don't look happy.
Block: No.
Mia: Are you tired?
Block: Yes.
Mia: Why?
Block: I'm in boring company.
Mia: You mean your squire?
Block: No, not him.
Mia: Who, then?
Block: Myself.
I was lucky enough to have one person i could be my total weird self around. It was an amazing feeling. But I couldnt talk to her about serious stuff. But who need to talk about serious stuff when your having fun?
But we've drifted apart. We dont speak often. Hardly at all really. So that really sucks.
There isn't a single person I feel 100% comfortable around. I feel a lot more comfortable around my mom and sister than other people but not 100% comfortable.
I feel like I can't be 100% comfortable because of what I am hiding: no friends, no plans, and nowhere to go.
People ask you what you like to do, you tell them, they want to know when the last time was you did this, what are you supposed to say? "Hardly ever, or never, I don't have anyone to go with" ? When its been eternity what do you say?
i dont think i really feel as comfy around anyone more than my mother . at different times in my life i've been comfy more or less around diff ppl but eventually i start feeling as if they've been exposed to too much of me and they probably are starting to talk about me behind my back or something. So i start to drift back into the shadows so to speak. right now i feel comfy around next to no one :wink: :twisted: