

New member

I am Nicky, I am 25 years old and I am an American living in the UK with my british husband. I am also 40 weeks pregnant and expecting anytime now. I've had social anxiety for a good portion of my life, but within the last two years (since moving to the UK) it's become crippling.

I won't leave the flat on my own anymore, which means I will go days and days without leaving (Im on maternity leave and have been for 6 weeks, so I don't need to leave to go to work). The idea of leaving the flat for most reasons terrifies me (such as recently, my sis in law's birthday party. I worked myself up to the point of sobbing right before we had to leave and ended up making an excuse and not going). However, on the same token, I've been breaking down alot lately due to feeling stir crazy. I don't want to be in the flat, but at the same time I am so afraid to leave.

My husband is so supportive. He will do anything I ask him to in order to make situations more comfortable / tolerable. He understands and listens when i try to explain to him what I am feeling and why. But he has also become a sort of social crutch, and I cannot rely on him the rest of my life in order to just walk out the front door.

With this baby due any day now, I am so worried she will never see the sun shine or the green grass of the park because her mom is too afraid to go out.

I've reached a point where I know I need help, I just don't know what to do, or if it's even reasonable to hope this is fixable.

Thanks for listening,
Welcome Nicky! Congratulation on your child by way. :3

Social phobia is a bugger to fix, but trust me, it IS fixable. Just hang around here, and tell us what's on your mind. You'll be surprised by how many good and supportive folk this site has stored. ;3


Well-known member
I think once your baby is born, it will be a major positive influence for you and maybe will encourage you more to go out because you will want whats best for your baby and will want to take her out even if its to the park or what not =D
All you need is positive energy to leave the house and once your baby is here you will probably be on top of the world, and if you can go through child birth im sure you will be able to leave the house :D

Welcome and congrats though :D


Well-known member
Hi Nicky, welcome to the site! :)

I think once your baby is born, it will be a major positive influence for you and maybe will encourage you more to go out because you will want whats best for your baby and will want to take her out even if its to the park or what not =D
All you need is positive energy to leave the house and once your baby is here you will probably be on top of the world, and if you can go through child birth im sure you will be able to leave the house :D

I 2nd this! I think well as all the wonderfull things a child can bring, i do believe this'll also help you to get out and about. I know someone who used to look after her nephew everyday while her sister worked and she had severe anxiety problems, but having someone to look after helped her so much. :) Good luck hun x


Well-known member
hiya and welcome to spw,
your social crutch sounds brilliant, i wish i had one ;)
best of health to you and your baby!

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
Welcome, congratulations and good luck!
It's a step forward that you are doing something positive about your situation. Perhaps when you speak to the doctor/midwife following the birth you can mention your fears to them?