New video blog

Hi there,
I've created a new video blog. This time subject : Borderline Personality.
I just wanted to share my thoughts, I know this forum is about SA, but I think a lot of people can relate to my story since we all got very high emotions and I know it is connected to you guys :). I also tell some stuff about sa.
Cuz beside sa, I have BPS. Please let me know what You think of the v-log.

Here it is (enjoy watching):

YouTube - ‪Life with Borderline‬‏

Sassy. :cool:
Nice one Saskia, borderline pd is a difficult one, so its good to have you talking about it and helping people to understand it:)
You have spoken fluently about the disorder, nevertheless I find its definition quite ambiguous and hard to be distinguished. And as you have just said a lot of people can relate to it, I think mood swinging is not quite enough but I don't know what else exactly is required to help the diagnosis.

Thanks for sharing this.

Thanks for telling me, the main problem is emotion regulation for me so that's why I explain a lot about this specific topic, I will make another video about the whole conception of borderline, I know it is missing out on a lot of facts on and around the criteria of the diagnosis. I will post another video soon. ^^


Well-known member
G'day Saskia,

That was a wonderful insite into BPS.

I can see you helping alot of people while helping yourself.



wow I can relate to you back when I was in high school even my parents always thought there was something wrong with me and my mood swings plus I never knew who I was I even became bisexual at one point and I was VERY WRECKLESS and IMPULSIVE at least your getting help for it now before you do too much damage to your self esteem which can obviously lead to social phobia and avoidance etc


Well-known member
Great job Saskia! You're a fighter girl. I am sure you help a lot of others with your ability to express your emotions about emotions. BPD is a hard thing to diagnosis-i thought maybe I had it, but then some parts of the desc. don't fit me at all. I get the whole "No Gray" thing. plus the huge emotions. anyways,
be patient with yourself. You'll be fine, just takes time*Hugs*
nice video, you express yourself very clear :>
hope the treatments will help you. do you feel any progress since you started the therapy?

and the new color looks great btw ;)

Thanks :3, I have made some progress since I started following therapy, It's been 2 months now, and I see a lot of differences. I take emotions as just emotions and let it be there, atleast I try to :) I write a journal everyday how my day has been going, write down positive points and rate my anxiety scale of the day, I also have found out what triggers my anxiety everytime, what is the clue of the whole Social Anxiety thing. I will make a video about it today.

I also see that group therapy has helped me a lot, cuz I find it hard to be around people, it makes it less exciting to go to school soon, I already have made some steps which is a good thing to remember and I talk about stuff with other peepz who deal with the same aspect, I gain trust more in the situation that it is possible to overcome this, since my trainers told me I would make so much changement because this therapy is a great offer of help (very professional).