New to this.

Hi there everyone, I'm really new to this as you can tell.

Being the new person isn't always easy, so I'll awkwardly introduce myself. My name is Miranda. I'm sixteen. I would like to be a doctor and a writer when I grow up and pursue a career. I suffer from many phobias, including SA. I am a hypochondriac, which has plagued me since my early teen years. I'm not really sure what brought it on, considering I really haven't experienced much death in my life. I fear death every second of my life and it hinders my standard of living to be quite honest. It's not that I fear the process of dying it's what happens afterwards, I'm afraid there'll be no afterlife.

Other phobias I suffer from are Tomophobia (phobia of surgery), Nihilophobia (phobia of nothingness), and I also suffer from mild OCD.

I figured this would be a good place to get help for my problems and talk to other people who share the same problems as myself.

Pleased to meet you all, thanks.


Well-known member
Heyas Miranda! Welcome you'll love this place. You're young, bright future ahead of you. This place is a good START for help, and support. Any support even through online is vital... it's not the same as in RL no... but it's something =). Hope this leads you to seeking more info/help. Cheers.


Well-known member
Hello Miranda, good luck in finding some answers for what you suffer from.

I think I share that phobia of surgery with you. A few years back Doctors turned me into a bit of a hypochondriac. No wonder I developed White Coat Hypertension.