New Thought: Complacency is the Root of Social Phobia.


Well-known member
Imagine if I came to your house, and killed your parents and everyone that you perceive as being completely dependent on. Since your dependable sources are no longer existant, you would have limited money, which would also mean that your access to the internet is no longer convenient. For all intensive purposes, you would be "alone" - i.e. no more security blankets.

What would you do? Be honest.

I know this is kind of a depressing scenario, but I've gotten some pretty interesting responses from myself. I imagine myself getting angry, increasing my awareness, and being completely self-sufficient. It's almost like a blanket of "complacency" is removed from my soul, and I just want to succeed for all it's worth. I wonder if anyone has similar feelings?

Edit - And no, I'm not endorsing killing your loved ones to be non-SA, heh. I'm just wondering how our level of complacency is related to how dependent we are.
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Well-known member
i'd probably commit suicide.

eta: and not because of SA or being dependent.

but... if i didn't have this dependency... i would be forced into slavery (9-5) and live in some apartment by myself. that is, if i could cope. that is why i am here. i am [realistically] afraid that i will snap and not hold a job. as usual.
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New member
Well, I think this complacency is more in parallel with the social anxiety than at its root. I am not very clear but I see what you mean though. And I do think that this kind of sink or swim situation can lead someone to get rid of social anxiety – if they are strong enough...

In fact I have prepared a little "shock treatment" for myself, in this idea. I am going to study next year in a country where I have never been before and I don’t even speak this language. It’s not quite like killing my parents but I won’t know anybody there, it is far from where I am living and I won’t have much money. I will have to show some resourcefulness for sure, and put my social anxiety aside… The fact that nobody knows me there will be helpful I think, it will be like a fresh start.


Well-known member
If someone killed all the people I loved and depended on I seriously doubt it would help me at all. I'm almost positive it would turn me into someone hell-bent on exacting my own style of vengeance no matter what it would cost me. I think something like that would be just what I needed to finally be what I've always feared I would become. I'll spare you the details. :)

On the other hand, if everyone I know decided to turn against me one day and have no further contact with me, I imagine that would be quite a shock. And being the wimp that I am, I'd probably crawl into my proverbial shell and wallow in misery and self pity until I died.

But I definitely see complacency in there somewhere. I just don't know exactly where it is, or how it fits into everything else. Not yet, anyway....


Well-known member
In situations like this, combined with my obsessive compulsive disorder and intermittent explosive disorder, I'll most likely go crazy and go on a killing spree in the neighborhood.


You can come to my house, you´re welcome. I´d be so much better without my parents. Even financially. Psychically. No terror, humiliation, abuse (I mean no sexual abuse to be clear). I could finally breathe freely, put this house in some reasonable condition etc. I can´t do anything such while they are here. You would need to come and experience what is like living here and what damage it does if this seems exchaggerated to you.

(It´s really not that I hated my parents or wished them to be killed or I wanted bad things happen to them. But... necessary to experience this, otherwise you won´t believe it. And think whatever about me, I don´t care).
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