New Member


Hi everyone,

Very happy I found this site, I have suffered with social phobia from ad long as I can remember, my earliest memory was hiding under the table if anybody came Into our house other than my parents or sisters. I remember the horror I had at preschool crying and locking myselfithe bathroom at five, and would only go to school if I could wear a sombrero...yes an adult sized sombrero. I always felt safe as if I was hiding under it. I am 23 years old now, I am married, and have a one year old baby...I moved over to the Netherlands 3 years ago for a job, and it was a way to escape....escape from what I don't know...people who knew me? The truth is, I hae always been embarrassed about my self....and I don't know why. I met my husband on Xbox was a Friday night and obviously I was in my apartment alone so decided to switch the old thing on, he is the only person in the world I can be myself me.....I hae known his parents for 3 years now....and I still can't manage to say more than two words....which causes yet mre embarresment, when I try I start to stutter....I can't be looked at without going bright red, which then of corse causes more trouble and anxiety.

I had to quit my job last had gotten so worse that I couldn't even make it into the lift without throwing up, and counting to about a hundred....after the strength it took me to get upstairs.....I would not eave my desk all day, not even to go the bathroom or for a coffee.....I got so bad, that m anxiety started giving me attacks.

I think the problem is stress about being stressed.....I have no friends and feel extremely lonely....I thought as I got older, things would get easier....I've noticed that I can't even go to the supermarket, unless its just when it's opened so there are minimal people. If anybody talks to me, be that a cashier who asks is it cash or card, my heart goes to my throat and I just have to nod.

I was walden ring if anybodyi else is going through this, or has had this! would be so nice to talk t somebody who understands what it's like, and it really is a serious issue.

Sorry to ramble on!

Lucy x


Well-known member
welcome! stop by the chat room sometime.. lol

are you seeing anyone? taking anything?


Thank you :) I see a psychologist, but only recently, it took me a while to pluck the courage up,..the first few times, I just wasn't ready so I kept postponing.

At th moment I take Prozac......but that's just because o my panic attacks at the moment x


Yeah I agree, I a, so happy I found this forum!...I didn't realise there are so many, somehow, I don't feel so alone


Well-known member
Hello and welcome to the forum! I can definitely relate. Wearing glasses or masks seem to help with the anxiety. When I was in school I was afraid to drink water or talk in class. I was like a stick figure sitting there hoping nobody would notice me. I used to go to the supermarket very early in the morning, at 8:30 - 9 -ish just to avoid foot traffic, on a Saturday or Sunday. Same thing with laundry.
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Well-known member
Oh my yes! We are very much alike! I also met my husband online. I work from home full time and often go several days without leaving my home. Grocery store also makes me anxious...heck even answering the phone... It stinks

Big hugs from across the pond