New here: Major Sweater


New member
I currently suffer from hyperhidrosis all over my body, especially in my face, back and chest. It becomes apparent very easily and if I have a sweating attack it can be dripping off my face or coming through my shirt within seconds. Even though I am in pretty good physical shape, even 10 minutes in the gym can soak me with sweat, and almost look like i showered. I'm only 18 years old and this greatly impairs me in social situations. I also suffer from anxiety and take prozac daily, as well as xanax and propranolol as needed. While I thought anxiety was the sole source of my sweating, it appears not to be because it still happens even when I'm totally calm and on propranolol and/or xanax. I feel like I can't be intimate with anyone because I either sweat of anxiety or temperature, I even struggle in going outdoors when it's over 80 degrees because I'm drenched with sweat. If I'm in a house with no AC I begin to sweat like crazy and it can even trigger my anxiety. Do you guys have any tips on treatments? Thanks.
As you can see you are not alone! Take the time to read through the many messages in this forum and you will find lots of things to try. Nobody seems to be able to truly solve the problem but many find some relief at least. Good luck.


Well-known member
totally unrelated.. but when I read *major sweater* I thought of a giant sweater you put on.. not a sweating.. lol. I thought it was cute.


Well-known member
Welcome to the group sweater15. Like Rickyberkey said, read the back posts, utilize the search button above to find specifics. Our group offers a wealth of information.

I've been 18 and lived to tell the sweating tale. I remember riding my bike 1.5 miles to school in the middle of the winter, getting off and resting, then the sweat would become pouring out of every part of my body. Fast forward many years and I'm in my 50's. Sweating still happens. Despite all our lives go on. Some of grow up, have family's, children etc despite our HH. Back in my young days we didn't have the Internet, forums to discuss our sweating problems. HH was all in your head kind of thing. These days we know otherwise. So, stick around, read, learn, then ask questions. It's all here on the back posts.


Active member
Welcome! It seems anxiety and hyperhidrosis correlate for some mysterious reason (overactive sympathetic activity?), so you should find some kindred spirits here. I'm also prone to anxiety, though these days mostly just with public speaking. I keep xanax and propanolol combo on hand for presentations. I've stayed away from the SSRIs but I do take a herbal supplement (Kalm-assure) and find it helps with my morning anxiety if I take it before bed (I tend to wake up nervous in the morning if I'm under a lot of stress).

But, I digress...

First stop for treatment - try glycopyrrolate. If you can take that without being majorly annoyed by the side effects then your problem is solved. I take 3-4mg in the morning and after it has a few hours to kick in I'm dry. Though the dry mouth is sometimes really annoying and I think it makes me more prone to UTIs (sorry, probably TMI).


Well-known member
Welcome to the forum and remember that you are not alone. Many of us are older and have dealt with HH much of our lives so we are very understanding of your plight. It does cause anxiety and is terrible in social situations. There is no cure for HH so our best hope is to try different treatments to find what works best. Each of us respond differently to different things so what may work great for one may not be effective for another. You are young and have a long and wonderful life ahead of you so do your best to stay positive and dont give up.

I do agree with Modam though, glycopyrrolate would be a good place to start. You can get it without a prescription from Canada through online. There are the Advert oral capsules (which dry you from the inside out) or the Secure Wipes which you apply topically to the affected areas. I use both in combination and although I still sweat it has greatly reduced it making those social gatherings much more enjoyable.

Wishing you the best!
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Active member
Welcome to SPW.

Yah, i am the most sweating person on earth currently.

as others sad, glycopyrrolate is a good medi to get start.
it will give you a half or a full day protection. if you are in asia, you will not find robinul, or avart, instead you have to buy oxyspass 2.5m / 5m from cipla. take in empty stomach. usually i take 45 minutes before goto the office. ill have my tea and bf at the office. The other option we have is ETS Surgery. but you have to study about the side effects of this before you go for this.