recluse said:
Hi 27 year old here, have hugged two girls (not including my sister) in my life and kissed one girl on the lips, but never had a girlfriend. It really depresses me because i know i will respect a girl, but my self esteem is so low i can't imagine a girl ever liking me. If we don't have confidence in ourselves then we don't have belief that we are attractive to women. I hate feeling so inexperienced, i mean i have no confidence to start talking to women and i see the asshole type guys getting the girl. One asshole from work made a snide comment that i don't know how to talk to women, and comments like this drag me even further to a pit of despair.
Girls always see me as a weirdo probably because i start acting panicky and weird.
Shit time is running out!
Hi there Recluse, yes I can certainly relate to your story and I can feel your pain.
People who are not in our situation, will often dispense the same old tired advice eg. "you need confidence" etc,etc. What these people don't realise is that confidence is not something you can buy from a shop, or you get from a pill prescribed by your Doctor.
Confidence comes from three words, they are: "Previous, Performance, Accomplishment", which basically means if you know you have done it before successfully you know you can do it again. When shy and quiet guys like me keep getting rejected (even by ugly women), your confidence gets beaten down so badly, any motivation you have to approach women effectively gets killed, because you are not confident of success.
Yes, unfortunately the asshole guys,aka bad boys and thugs, sadly seem to be more successful at dating than us nice guys. But in the end, the braindead females that date and sometimes marry these creeps will end up getting burned, so no loss there. With regards to that asshole at your workplace who put you down, that was very cruel and insensitive, he sounds like the type of guy who laughs at people in wheelchairs or people who are mentally or physically handicapped. He is just a prick, and you should ignore him.
You are still a young man at 27, and I hope you find the woman of your dreams, you sound like a decent person. Unfortunately, I am not sure what the answer to our problems with women, as I have never had any success myself.
All the best to you.