Need new friends... :(

This is embarrassing to post but i just lost ANOTHER group of friends.
They just totally turned on me (on facebook, for everyone to see) for no given reason.
To make it worse i live with two of em!
I'm moving out anyway. Just gotta get a deposit and a house.
I'm always moving house - Running from my problems; People.
I really could do with some new friends who can understand me and not take advantage of the fact I'm so socially anxious.
As usual i'm blaming myself for these people hating me.
But i honestly can't see what I've done wrong!! :(


Active member
this is embarrassing to post but i just lost another group of friends.
They just totally turned on me (on facebook, for everyone to see) for no given reason.
To make it worse i live with two of em!
I'm moving out anyway. Just gotta get a deposit and a house.
I'm always moving house - running from my problems; people.
I really could do with some new friends who can understand me and not take advantage of the fact i'm so socially anxious.
As usual i'm blaming myself for these people hating me.
But i honestly can't see what i've done wrong!! :(

i added you on facebook!


Well-known member
they did you a favor and saved you from wasting time maintaining relationship with *******s

sooner is always better


Well-known member
I swear facebook is more hassle than its worth.....can't wait for this fad to be over honestly


Well-known member
I swear facebook is more hassle than its worth.....can't wait for this fad to be over honestly

Totally agree. I refuse to even make a page ever.

As for the OP, i'm guessing you still have some friends, right? Must be nice to have multiple friends. Just lost the only person I thought was a friend. Was more like a fair-weather friend. Around for the good times (like when I had money) not for the bad (any other time).
To be honest i think the only friend i have nearby now would be my boyfriend - and although I completely adore him, thats not ALWAYS a good thing because if we break up or he wants to have a guys night i'll be lost!

I'll never trust anybody again.
The only person you can rely on is yourself - and i cant even do that!!!

I use facebook to keep in touch with family and try and build friendships.
Doesn't really work though...
I depend on it which is sad.

I'm terrible at social interaction but i can be myself slightly online... :-/
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Well-known member
I totally agree with Phocas. I would definitely ask them what the hell is going on. You wrote that these people turned on you and made it public as well. You have every right to know why they did what they did. Some people are fickle, phony and just plain superficial, which could easily be the case with this group, but if you did happen to do something that pissed them off then you should know about it. Naturally, it was very immature of them to behave the way they did even if you had done them some kind of wrong. In any case, knowing what's going on will provide you with an argument in your defense.

I believe that people ought to confront each other more often, and not in an aggressive or violent manner. I'll let people know when they've wronged me and I would hope that they would let me know if I wronged them.
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Well-known member
Yeah, I agree it would be good to find out.
If you're still angry and upset maybe write the things down, journalling can help.. Then decide what you want to talk to them about.

If you live together possible problems could be related to that: food in the fridge, who ate what, who did dishes when, who used dishes/food utensils and kitchen when, or household chores, or bathroom/flat hygiene (if you're too into clean stuff or don't clean enough), visitors or no visitors, noises from your room when your bf visits (or they might just feel 'shut out' and ignored if the two of you spent lots of time together cooking meals etc - happened to someone I know!! There was a terrible rift at the flat, with noses upturned etc.) Are the others single or 'coupled up' too?
Maybe one of them fell in love with you or felt 'misled' (some of my roommates could do that to people)...?

Maybe your laptop/PC is too loud when being charged or used, or you use it at inappropriate times when others want to sleep? Maybe your waking/active hours are mismatched? Or you (or your bf) snore? Or your clothes smell of cigarettes (or iffier stuff) when you return from partying? Or you cook bad-smelling food (to them) or there are bad smells from other things.. Or you don't like them smoking (or growing) pot... (?!) (Then move out asap! :)) Things worth checking out... (Others may be too embarassed to tell you if you don't ask and thus sort of give permission to speak..)

If things were not stated ahead, the problem can be unclear boundaries: people just expected you to be a certain way, while never saying anything about it or just being vague..

Or people could get upset over a certain expression or turn of face (which may or may not have had nothing to do with them!), especially if they were there ahead of you and expect some sort of 'seniority' and privileges or even your 'gratitude'? (If they helped you get the flat?)

On the other hand, maybe they just want to get another friend of theirs into the flat.. Or at least one of them does and may have stated partial truths or untruths to the others.. It's vaguely possible, but still might be worth checking.. Or there may have been total misunderstandings.. (eg someone heard you say or do something and totally misunderstood?)

Maybe the best way to go about it would be to 'assume innocence' and ask, 'Hey guys, it seems there may have been a misunderstanding? Can you guys tell me what this is all about? Is anyone insulted over something I did or said?' (Maybe it's best to ask the nicest person in the flat privately? And then ask others privately, one by one, and see what they say?) If you ever took anyone's food or 'forgot' to clean anything or nagged anyone to clean anything, you could ask if this is about that..? (Even if it's not, they might tell you easier what it's truly about..)
You can even get them beer for 'the last time you're together' or something like that?

Or ask someone that's vaguely related to them but not so much part of the clique, eg a mutual acquaintance/friend? (They may find out easier than you.)

You're lucky you still have bf. It would be good to work on getting new friends yeah, both iRL and online.. Where did you meet this set of friends - online or in RL?
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Well-known member
You will save yourself future trouble if you get this out of the way as soon as possible. Some people will believe whatever they're told so if word gets around that you're this or that you do that, then this will make it more difficult for you to find friends. These former "friends" of yours are probably making things public in order to make everyone else believe that you are at fault for this fallout. It's a group's word against yours...Some people may be inclined to believe them since they are in the majority. You have a right to defend your reputation. It's senseless to take the blame for something when you don't even know whether you've done something wrong. You'd be letting these bastards off easily.

My experiences taught me that one should question the things people say about others. Sometimes, the people who are the first to speak ill of others are the ones who are guilty. Unfortunately, not everyone gives this sort of thing much thought and believe whatever it is that they are told.


Well-known member
Yeah, Serafina said it well..

You might also wanna be careful which groups you join on FB or which pages you 'like' - it shows up on your profile and you just don't wanna give'em any more ammo... (I took a brief look & am referring to pages 'Wasting time' or 'Drawing the...' ) Not everyone can understand a sense of humor or cameraderie or see things as funny..

Be careful especially if it's your real name (don't reply now if it is or isn't :)) I've been warned against using real name on FB - someone also had problems... And future maybe-employers, co-workers or clients can see what you have up there, people can misunderstand.. There are archives online, so even if you erase things people can access them..
If you get married and/or change surnames that can be less of an issue, still it's best to be wise ahead..

Also maintain privacy on forums like this, putting up a link to your real name is not a good idea.. Maybe PM it to trusted people if they PM you for it, if you absolutely must? Don't just add 'everyone'...!

There can be a trend among the young people to have 300+ 'friends' but how friendly can you be with all of them, honestly? Some people have less than 10 friends on FB but are really good friends in real life... So just numbers don't mean anything.. Take time to get to know people well first..

Don't want to add to paranoia just please be smart about it!
I know what it can feel to 'desperately need friends', do consider putting them through a 'trial' period first, to see if they're worthy of being called that! If that's a nickname with no private info to where you live etc or things are very vague (and you live in a big enough city) than maybe it's okay to add people from forums that you have gotten to know at least a bit..

I have a nickname on FB and even then add only people I know well personally or through months or years of discussion on some forums, and I'm not much there anyway...