My room is prison 8 years


New member
I've bought computer about 8 years ago and since then I've lost all communication with people and
in general I had no desire to go outside. or even when I was little, I had very poor communication, almost not at all
associated and always have been shy and quiet. Unfortunately, in elementary school I was often physically tortutred, because I was shy.
It has left a negative impact on me and then I lost faith in the people and stopped to socialize. otherwise I never went out anywhere, I have never taken alcohol or drugs and never had a girlfriend, and I would love, because
i am tired of prison life. I feel that I can and want something to change, but I just don't have power. When I try to make some contact with people, I completely lose, I start to shake and don't know what to say. I have the feeling that I look like kind of retarded, lost, because of long sitting on a computer, I look like a zombie. I'm dried up in the face, my eyes are somehow fell. When i go outside, and this is perhaps once in a month, I fell completely lost, I do not know where to look, I always have feeling that everyone watching me, so I always wear cap and glasses. I was at psychiatrist a few years ago, even though I was in a group of people, it didn't help and the situation has become increasingly difficult. I except that I am suffering from social phobia and agoraphobia, I am also extremely addicted to the computer and sit like crazy, and over 12 hours every day and I feel that my head is going to blow. I do not know what to do, my life is falling apart.
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Well-known member
Right well if you really want to break free then seriously you need someone to talk to. I know sitting infront of a bloomin computer is depressing. Have you got anyone around you who you can talk to?
On here you'll find people who are in the same situation.
I wish you luck. :)
Message me if you wanna talk.
For 8 years? Damn that's a very long time.

You have to act now because the longer you stay inside the worse it gets. Start by walking outside everyday to get used to it a little. It doesn't matter where you go just push yourself outside and go for a walk.


Well-known member
For 8 years? Damn that's a very long time.

You have to act now because the longer you stay inside the worse it gets. Start by walking outside everyday to get used to it a little. It doesn't matter where you go just push yourself outside and go for a walk.

Exactly. Ive only been using mine for about 3 and MAKE myself go online for about 2 hours a day at the most. No more.


Well-known member
Yeah I'm sort of a computer junkie and I never had a girlfriend either, but oh my should get rid of your pc as soon as possible if you only go outside once a month....or get rid of the internet....


Well-known member
Really,you should listen to what the other people on here are saying.8 years is a incredible long time to just sit in front of the computer and the older you get,the harder it will become to adjust to a more normal life.I been similar circumstances as you,for almost 10 years and I'm not sure if I will ever get any better.

Just go out side,even just walking out side helps.Find different hobbies you can share with other proeple.Also I'm sure there has to be groups in your area that deals with social phobia and agoraphobia.Just try think aboutit.Dont go to fast .One baby step at a time and try and use the computer less and less over time.Its probably not best to stop using your computer cold turkey.Just go slowly one step at a time and I'm sure you will get better and it will get better over time,

Good luck


Well-known member
well its alot better then beng addicted to cigarettes or something really harmful to your long term health ...because you are at least reading and retaining problem solving skills by using the pc ...though its easy to just spend a long time on a computer or using the net ...its another technological distraction like a mobile phone, these never really existed with such force before 1995 ..but became the norm by its a relatively new distraction to modern life ...thats why i notice alot of the older generation or the baby boomers and gen x's seem to have a strong set of conversational and life skills ...because all they had was the people around them and books and hands on resources. ...

just try and not use a PC for a week for anything other than useful tasks ...
Yeah I agree with what the other posters said. But if you absolutely cannot get rid of your pc, then you might consider using it as a sort of stepping stone. There are a heck of a lot of skills and hobbies you can pick up on your pc and the internet. Yup. Then use these interests to join friendly supportive forums. Like say if you're into digital art, then join an art forums and so on... Then interact online more and more. In the meantime, get physical exercise and go out a little more each day.

Maybe in time, enroll in some local classes that specialize in your hobby. Eight years is a very long time. Don't let the bullies get you down man... You can always get back up again. And if you need support or ideas, you can always come back here.

Btw, what kind of stuff do you do on your pc? Pure surfing? Programming? Gaming? Arts/hobbies? Maths? Writing?


Well-known member
Hi koralni, welcome to SPW !

I know exactly what you're talking about, I've been isolated and hanging in front of the pc all day too since the age of 13, and I'm now 17. I suggest you do what the other people are saying here, I don't think it will pass (easily) when you do nothing about it. I know, I should start doing that too, but still go to school, starting from tomorrow, so I'm not really in a hurry, I think I might have too much social contact.::p:
I can relate to this so much. i spent way too much time at the computer.
Since i have a computer in my room, i'm addicted to it.
And since i stopped school because of SA, my day is like online all time.
i dont like it this way.. it makes me feel frustrated and depressed :[
i really need some help.. , cuz this is getting me nowhere.
mostly my daily routine is just stayin at home all time
but i really awnt to reach something in life :(, i really want a diploma cuz im very good at school stuff.. i really want to start again... =*(
but its so hard with sa :S

but im glad today im going to do something fun.. but mostly.. pff just a boring dayyy


Well-known member
I too had the experience of being at the computer for very long hours at a stretch. This actually persisted for a couple of years. It was like, the first thing I woke up, I switched on the com and stay on it for hours and hours, and the only time I'm away from it is to shower or eat, and I would prefer not to leave the house in favour of staying infront of the com. Later, I broke the habit by going cold turkey, and nowadays, I barely come to the com, sometimes, going for weeks without it. I don't know how cold turkey would work for you, since you have been addicted to it much longer than I have been, but you can take small steps to slowly try to break away from the habit.


New member
Thanks to all the comments and support

I am aware of many years spent on the computer, but I have worked at least somewhat clever, but I'm just playing games and surfing the Internet without any goal. problem is that I replaced the virtual world with the real world, because of the fear of life that takes place outdoors. I'm afraid it will take many years to heal my condition. I have big problems when it comes to communication, I do not know how to express what to say. almost 8 years I have not communicated with anyone and now I find it very difficult to achieve normal communication. the only thing more I can talk to people via the Internet, but many do not want to hear about my problem, because they think I'm crazy and I am not. I tried earlier to go to a psychiatrist, I drank medicines but nothing worked. I am completely aimless, there is no longer any interest in my life, I do not know where to start, too many I spent in solitude. It's hard to even think about it, the consequences are terrible. I can’t normally sleep, to eat, I can’t live normally. I see my own room as a prison, I want to get away from it, but I can not. I want to cry but I have a feeling that no one hears me. always look through your window and thinking how other people happy and smiling, and I sit in the house as a slave. I tried to find some people who have similar problems as I do, but nobody wanted to leave at least a little with me, to talk.


New member
Something to consider when going out among other people is that they usually are in their own thoughts. When you realize that people you pass are not too interested in you it might help you face them. This can also help when talking with someone. A lot of people like to talk about themselves. So simply listening and nodding here and there is not a bad strategy. Maybe this helps some?


Well-known member
Something to consider when going out among other people is that they usually are in their own thoughts. When you realize that people you pass are not too interested in you it might help you face them. This can also help when talking with someone. A lot of people like to talk about themselves. So simply listening and nodding here and there is not a bad strategy. Maybe this helps some?

karin that is some really great advice and a very interesting thought to ponder ...i think you are right ...i find its me that i focus on more which is holding me back ..because i'm afraid that i'll say the wrong things or i wont be smooth which means often i wont say much at all...