My Painfully Secretive Life (and safety of drinking SAGE?)


i don't know where to begin to share my story because i've pretty much kept this problem to myself all these years. i thought i was alone until i stumbled upon this forum, and when i did it was as if this huge wave of sadness, pain, years of suppressed feelings but mainly pure relief just came pouring out.
hearing these heart felt stories and support from people here just made me feel like i found a home that i never knew of.
if i could just share?.. basically:

- i've had HH (hands, feet, underarms) since i was a 13? i'm now 25
- cannot confide in my family and friends (w/c i don't want to ellaborate on)
- have gone through depression (more than once)
- sadly have lost my faith (still struggling though)
- have developed chronic insomnia (which i think is mainly due to subconscious psychological stress from this HH)
- i smoke weed when i have supply because i've found relief in doing so. also drinking loads of alcohol. (fortunately i never became an alcoholic, nor am i a pothead.. well maybe at one point i was hehe, but eventually it got too expensive and i couldn't live high on a daily basis whilst maintaining the grades in college)
- constantly regretting everyday of my life on opportunities that i've missed out on in the past and continue to be missing out on to date
- have plenty of times questioned my existence in the world (this sounds crazy i know, but HH has driven me to that point)
- don't want to opt for ETS, have tried driclor and other roll ons (but it made my skin burn so i stopped)
- just moved to china so it doesn't help that i'm trying to look for such a rare (ionto) device in a country who's language i'm still trying to learn

...basically i have lost my will to live life. everyday is a constant struggle for me, and i am just tired. so so tired. i recently went spiraling into another episode of depression recently which (fortunately?) brought me here. if anyone can hear me and help, i would be immensely grateful.

i'd like to start by trying SAGE TEA. i've been reading a lot of articles the past few days. some saying it can be drank, others saying it should be topical and not drank because it can pose threats. i don't know who and what to believe. (i am slightly anemic and smoke cigs once in a while, if that's any relevant to drinking sage?)

Thank you, everyone here, for posting your stories and your support. I hope to find more hope here..


Well-known member
hey chloe909. I don't think sage tea is going to be much help to be honest. You're best bet is to get a ionto machine to treat hands, feet and underarms (you say your looking for a rare ionto device, is it hard to get one in china?). I think this is your best option before you try any thing else (i.e. ets)

good luck


Well-known member
Hey, I actually sweat a lot and I didn't know about HH until this site. But I do take certain measures to make sure it isn't that bad. I have to carry a towel around campus... But anyway, I'm glad you found this site! It's helpful b/c you'll actually meet people who have HH and have a shared story. I felt that same relief when I found out there were others with SA and even down to the specifics.



Well-known member
Hey Chloe, welcome to the forum! You are right, this is a great community for those of us with HH.

I would definitely try to get an ionto device. They are expensive, so see if you can rent one. I rented one from RA Fischer and so far I have had very good results! My hands have been pretty much dry all this past week.

I haven't tried Sage so I can't comment on that. Let me know if you have any questions. See you around!


New member
Hi Chloe. I felt the same way when I found this forum and reading everyones experience with hyperhidrosis, it made me feel like i was not alone in the world and that people actually understood what it felt like! All I can tell you is to just search for the best solution that works for you. I'm sure you will find it. Different solutions work for different people. I've tried many that worked for some here and had no impact on me at all.

I found a site with some great tips that helped me and maybe it will help you too. Below is a link, no matter what happens i wish you the best of luck and just remember, giving up is losing. Keep searching for the best solution for HH and YOU will find it. Good Luck!!

Cure Excessive Sweating in Just Two Weeks


Well-known member
Hi and welcome to the forum! It feels better not being alone in searching for solutions for this condition.

Anyway, I would recommend ionto and I'm sure that a device can be delivered world wide. You can choose between many different brands; Hidrex, Idromed, Fischer, Idrostar etc. Drionic is another not so costly device that could be worth a try initially. I went for a Hidrex myself, and had good results after a couple of weeks (hands and feet).

If you can't afford or get a professional device delivered to you you can build a device yourself using batteries. There is a video on youtube explaining how to do this. Search for ionto or hyperhidrosis and you will find it (someone called shannonbowling or something who made the video).



hi nicole1 yea tried that but it gets to a point wherein i can't keep wiping them all the time because it just keeps goin ya know *sigh* it gets real tiring. thank you for your help though <:)

hi hyp-hi how much did you buy your RA fisher one for? is it in the US? and where is it made in?

hi carson, i checked out that link you posted, but it led me to a book? i love reading books, but sadly i doubt a book can help me get thru what i'm going thru right now. i pretty much scraped out ETS and botox already. so my remaining options are: medications, sage, ionto (which i'm having trouble trying to find here in china). do you know anyone who's tried sage and gotten somewhere? i hope you're right about different approaches work for different people.. i hope to find relief in sage because i'm having trouble getting an ionto device right now.

hi ysh yes i saw that youtube video wherein you can make your own homemade device, i think i'd rather just get an ionto instead just to be sure coz i'm REALLY BAD when it comes to electronics and setting up. i'm afraid i might end up electricuting myself if i tried making my own device haha.


Well-known member
The RA Fischer was about $700 which is really expensive. I don't understand why it is that much but even competitors sell them for around that amount. I think it is possible to make your own for much cheaper, but it will lack the features of a commercial product such as adjusting the intensity, and safety options. RA Fischer is located in the US, California. I'm not sure if they ship to China.


i understand you totally,cos i have same situation and mood with you,palm and foot sweat ruin my life,but we have to to be stoical.
now i 'm trying ionto ,if you have any question ,free contact me,
BTW,if you come to China, contact me ,i am in China.
good luck!


New member
I certainly relate 909 ..
turning 60 & looking for cure lifelong ...the hh in hands,
feet, and armpits has been worse the than ever. Attending functions where
holding hands, having bare feet, or raising arms are impossible to particicpate in. It prevents me from dancing and yoga affects sex life, etc.
In sports, I can't hold the golf club, the bowling ball, tennis racket, and even cycling is problematic because my hands get so drenched and slip on the surfaces.
This social disease has affected the well-being of my life, my career and is socially crippling.
It has such an effect on my self image and respect.
unfortunately only alcohol & xanax turn off the faucets for awhile

no vote for sage


Well-known member
cruelsweat: Yes, HH is cruel. I remember having to come up with innovative ways to grip onto things. I remember wrapping terry cloth around the grip of the tennis racket because wet leather is hard to grip, duct taping the inside of my shoes so the sweat wouldn't bleed through, wrapping cloth on the steering wheel of the car. The things we have to do to adapt to all the sweat. I've lived through 50 odd years through this crap.

Haven't tried sage, but from what has been posted here over time it seems like a NO Go.


- cannot confide in my family and friends (w/c i don't want to ellaborate on)
- have gone through depression (more than once)
- sadly have lost my faith (still struggling though)
- have developed chronic insomnia (which i think is mainly due to subconscious psychological stress from this HH)
- constantly regretting everyday of my life on opportunities that i've missed out on in the past and continue to be missing out on to date
- have plenty of times questioned my existence in the world (this sounds crazy i know, but HH has driven me to that point)

to Chloe & others:

i deeply sympathize with your excruciating experiences brought by this horrible HH condition. no doubt that it diminished your life to a great extent. you feel totally trapped and useless and abandoned..

i want to inform that i am embracing you all with understanding because we are all struggling in the same HH boat. we are all affected at different levels, and devastated at varying degrees. yet we are all struggling for one objective: to free ourselves from suffering.

i want to share with you what i learned in accepting this condition.

in the eyes of our Creator, we are all created equal. each one of us, whatever the circumstances is, balances the entire wonderful force of life. we are all one with our Creator, we are not separate, and there is a reason for everything. that is why i learned to accept that despite this condition, there lies the beauty in it.. i learned and accepted that we came forth in this world and humanity with this condition as an advocate of unconditional love.. that is, to accept and love us just the way we are.

let us come into realization that we are all precious despite this condition; that freedom and wholeness really abounds; that we really have something to contribute to this force of life, just like the mystery of autistic and with cerebral palsy..

this advisory forms part of the sticky homepage of my weblog. please do not hesitate to contact me also to [] for more inquiry and enlightenment.


Cruelsweat and Sprawling:
Thanks for your advice on 'no go' to sage. I recently came across a testimonial on some article or forum wherein this woman tried sage, and it triggered some kind of internal hemorraging.. yikes. i've opted for Ionto device instead.

My only worry is that I am currently residing in China, and I don't know if the tap water here will do the trick. Because I know most people on here are from the USA so you guys' tap water are pretty much the same (and Fischer is an American brand, therefore they made the machine testing american tap water).

Does anyone here know what other alternative solutions I can use if incase the tap water here in China doesn't suit the Ionto device?


Well-known member
Tap water varies so much from city to city here in the US and other countries. I've experienced the tap water working for me in one city, then moved and the tap water was useless. Best if you try out making a homemade ionto device to see if you get any results. If the water doesn't work from one location, try getting water from another city, town.


oh wow really? my gosh. how tedious (but i won't complain lol). gawds.. i certainly hope the tap water in my part of the city is compatible. sigh.

ok stupid question, would tap water "expire" if i choose to collect from another city and contain it for a few weeks?


Well-known member
I collect my tap water from another city and store it in several 5 gallon containers, and 1/2 gallon containers and keep it for up to a year. I don't think the water is going to expire.