Thanks for the post Tommy. Some good stuff has happened today.
But I must disagree on not listening to my mind. I have managed to control certain parts of my mind by kind of segmenting it. Without my mind, I am insane. A more realistic number for me would be 70% of my mind is wrong and 30% is right. I still have a HUGE portion intact but in a way overwhelmed with the other *wrong* parts.
My goal is simple- Recover to the point of taking care of myself. To clarify on things a bit more..
It's about trust with me. I don't hate people but don't trust them. I may of misleading some of you by accident in my earlier posts. I will ofcourse need to learn to accept people but the thing that is part of me is detecting someone that can't be trusted. Friends can be made, family can be made, but it's just an extra bit of work selecting the right people.
I never made any promises that I would be like everyone else, ebcause I'm SIMPLY not that. Blend in, live around them, survive amongst them..All those things I will learn to do, but I will not to be something I am not.
Think about it-
Some people takes meds to make them get through a situation. Are they really getting through it? Tough question there!
I don't like people and I don't hate them. If this was a religious topic you could consider me agnostic in this way.
The way society runs doesn't appeal to me. I'm not saying it's wrong, I am saying that it isn't something I will get all happy about being part of. I have some goals and I have another goal that can be reached by existing in the social world. My final goal can be fulfilled without intergrating myself fully into society.
It's very hard for people to understand me because I see things completely different most the time, but...there are many debates I could start that could be considered insanity which is universal in most of human society in general. I am making progress and feeling much better about myselfand other people.
I used to think it was hate but now I figured out the puzzle. It's clear now that it's trust and disinterest in those sort of HAPPY SOCIAL lifestyles which are so common.
Thanks for your concern Tommy, it's nice. And thanks for the story too, because if that was how she changed and is happy about then good.
One last thing.
Needs and wants. The wanting or not wanting issue is not something that will make me insane. Needs? perhaps.
But I think I already touched on that subject in this post.
PS. I've still int he really early stages of recovery but hey, it hasn't even started fully yet. Since this post I have had ups and downs, but I have gained knowledge about myself a hell of alot more. I'm already getting better and even though some of you may disagree on my way of thinking..Remember I could be posting exactly the same on the day I first came here. I'm starting to accept myself for being WORTH something. I had little or no self-esteem a few weeks ago and now I have a little bit more. I haven't taken anything too fast and I don't intend to.
To update on the situation:
a CPN is going to work on getting me out into society with cognitive therapy.
This may be short term and I may even have a job in the future. I'm going to settle down now because I think I am starting to take this too fast at this very moment. I am self-aware of everything I do whicih could be a + or a - depending on the situation.
One final edit.
you will indeed go insane i think there is little doubt of this, if you dont change.
I've already changed the course and destination. And to touch one more time on wanting things. Not wanting to be social doesn't mean I can't enjoy it when it does happen.
For some Want/Need are the same thing. For me, they are not. Hope that clears some confusion up in this post. Thanks again