You've been a really great help for me through this, so I just want to say a big thanks so far.
Thanks for that Madcat!
I think the nurse sounds like a splendid idea, too! Wow, things are really looking UP! :wink:
Don't let the opinion givers get to you, they have the right to their opinions, but that doesn't mean everyone needs to agree with them. And try not to let the negatives get to you when Dr. Cameron or the nurse isn't around because they will try, I know it personally, and they will try to discourage you into going back to your safe, comfortable rut. Just keep fighting, for yourself, and your Mum. Maybe you can ask the Dr. if there is a number you can call or an email address you can write to if you start feeling weak or scared?
I personally can't find one ounce of fault with an over protective mother, to me, it just means you are loved very much, and I can't find one fault in being loved. Your right, your Mum has done a lot for you, you may not have taken this step with out her. Yay, Mum!
I just heard on the news that a pair in Flordia tossed a hour old new born baby boy out of their car in a garbage bag... a witness rescued the baby after she saw the bag 'move' and thought it might be a cat. The baby is alive but in serious condition. (he still had his umbelical cord attached). That is so heart breaking. I would rather be over protected any day than be tossed out of a car like a peice of useless litter.
Anyway, try to keep thinking positive and think of all the good things that are going to be happening in your life and your Mim's life & and try keeping focused on those things rather than the things that could lead to discouragement. Try to be patient though, too... you said you haven't been outside in 5 yrs. and progress isn't going to be made over night either, but it will all come in time. :wink:
I am very delighted for you and your Mum!