My inabilty to say letters.


Well-known member
All my life i have been embarassed about telling people my name! Why?......Because there are two damn letters i am unable to pronounce correctly in my name! Almost everyone missunderstands my name when i tell them because i'm like ''bffinfuhueejer''.....Well not exactly lol but it's just cruel fate that i happen to have a name which contains two letters i am unable to say correctly.

The thing is I KNOW how they are meant to sound it's just that i can't get my mouth into the correct shape to say them.

I think that being laughed at because of this in my school and college days has ruined my confidence and deffinately a contributing factor in my sa::(:


I constantly have to repeat my name to people because my name starts with an "N" and I keep saying it like it was a "L","M" or even wierder a "B".

Silvox Black

Well-known member
I would suggest that you practice the phonetic pronunciation of those letters, and then those letters combined in a word, and then finally your entire name in front of a mirror. This way you will be able to learn how to correctly pronounce your name as well as see how you look while speaking it.


Super Moderator
I have no problem with pronounciation, but i hate my name and try to say it as less as possible. I don't say other people's names either... i feel odd calling their names, dunno why.

And just an idea. Have you tried repeating it many times? I suppose you will be able to pronounce it better after a while.


Well-known member
I've tried practicing it but i can't improve. I feel that people think i am a retard::(:


Super Moderator
Umm.. Maybe you are just too nervous at the moment of saying your name and that's why you have troubles? o_O


Well-known member
It's a viciouc cycle....Comments/bullying about it in the past makes me nervous about it happening again and being nervous makes it worse...My face is all tense which makes it hard to talk.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
I would suggest finding a close circle of friends you could practice with. Speak to them about your trouble with speaking and if they are true friends, they will understand and will not mock you. Better yet, see if anyone who is your friend here has Skype or some sort of live video or at least voice chat program here.