Moving again


Well-known member
In the last month I'll have moved to 3 different cities, I feel as though I have lost somewhere to call home. Anyone have any experience with this? does the lack of a "home base" tend to help alleviate your anxiety symptoms or make them worse?

btw, i've moved from memphis, TN to Petersburg VA, and will soon be moving to Washington D.C., so if any of you are in the D.C. area then hit me up


Well-known member
after my parents divorced they sold the family home, and ever since I've been moving every couple of years, renting various places, and yea I distinctly remember the feeling of being "homeless". Personally I think this was a bad thing for me. I think it's good to get yourself grounded in a place that you can call home, and to try to integrate into the community a little. It makes you feel a lot more secure. At least it does for me.

I'm still renting now, and I haven't really felt that feeling of homelessness for a while, so it does fade with time. I also think the feeling of being "home" can also just be a state of mind. I think if you can ground yourself philosophically and psychologically in this world then it won't matter so much where you are physically.


Well-known member
that's a lot of moving. at atleast it helps to give you something to talk about- if someone mentions those cities you can be like yeah ive lived there, and it makes you seem more worldly. i've lived within the same 20 minute area my whole life-except for the year i went to college so basically i don't really have an excuse to why i don't have many friends. or why i don't really know what's "fun to do" in my area. at least you're reaching out, that's always a great 1st step!


Well-known member
I've lived in the same city my whole life, never moved anywhere so I guess I can't really comment if moving helps or makes SA worse. But for myself personally, I wouldn't rule against it if I had a chance to move somewhere else where no one knows me and start anew.


Well-known member
Oh yeah, I'd lived in at least two countries in the Middle East before moving to Canada, and since I've come here I've lived in 3 different cities...and I'm constantly being sent out to do field work (I work for a subsidiary of Exxon Mobil)'s tough. Every time I'm about to leave, it's excruciating. That's really when my anxiety really kicks in.

I have no "home" anymore, no place where I can feel comfortable. Every place I go, I'm a stranger, a "visitor"...


Well-known member
I've lived in three continent in my 25 years - Asia, Australia and Europe. I think I coped by not getting attached to anything or anyone, or any place. My only memories of warmth are fleeting holidays had in my youth and childhood with people who knew how to have fun. Given the chance to turn back time, I would die for a a chance at a stable family and upbringing in a safe and friendly neighbourhood, but of course that would still be out of my control. That is the best foundation for you to have the security and confidence to explore whatever and wherever you want in adulthood. Otherwise, moving from place to place just makes you feel empty and the whole journey pointless - from personal experience.