missing classes because of this thing!?


Well-known member
can anyone else relate?

so i live along way from campus where my university course is situated and lately ive been sleeping in and taken glances at the clock while struggling to wake up on time, so i find it easy to talk myself into not going if i'm a little late, this sort of got out of hand and i missed two weeks straight ..

reason is because everyone gets along tightly and i'm ok one to one but in class with twenty seven people i just find it difficult to concentrate and i don't say much, because of this i give off the impression that i'm clueless about the work and everything else, which isnt true as i'm fine outside the classroom with the content but in class its like i walk in and everything ive learnt is washed down the drain, i can't think straight and of course what happens is the teacher will ask me a question or walk over to my desk and hit me with a random question and i go blank and its just humiliating really . ..

then i keep thinking "what if i'm in the wrong course, is this for me?" ...so i keep second guessing everything ...

everyone else my age in the family circle, cousins, siblings got there degree without a hitch, most with honours it was a breeze and are now well into their career and earning alot and doing really well with their lives i'm happy for them but sometimes it feels like i'm stuck in a nightmare ..


Well-known member
I can definitely relate. I sometimes find it difficult to go to class. I've been waking up at like 6:50 every morning this past week, which is making me so late for school. I don't like being late, but it's like I've lost the motivation to get there on time.


Well-known member
yeah i know exactly what you all mean. Ive just started college and dont really like being in some of the lessons, just cause of the atmosphere some of the people make and worrying about being picked out or asked something, although i havnt been properley late yet. However last year in school i was frequently late and slept in alot, I still find it hard to get up and go though, and have to rush alot.


Well-known member
been there, done that.

srsly, just suck it up and GO. focus on your longterm goal. if you don't show up to class that morning, the more likely you are to be dropped from the class or fail which puts you another semester farther from your goal. remember that the satisfaction of achieving a long term goal FAR outweighs the short term satisfaction of sleeping in or avoiding class.

i used to do the same thing. now look at me- i am 28 years old still living at home so that i can attend college. i could have my degree by now, be living on my own, have a better job, have a nicer car but i was like you and chose to sleep in and avoid class. so many classes i have had to take over again, just like you will if you choose not to be a successful student and take responsibility.