Meh. I could actually be improving..


Well-known member
I hate to even say it as i may jinx it but now i think i am more likely depressed rather thna badly sa. I mean i can actually talk to people and have a wee convo. Ask people things..I'm still v quiet but maybe that's just the way i am.
I'm pleased that i may have made wee bit progress but also downhill with the paranoid thoughts/like getting depressed every night seems to be/mood swings.
It seems i'm more anxious now than shy/quiet/introvert.. :confused:
Much better than i was at school..still it's the depressive anxiety gettin in the way of being abe to do things..and just feeling like nobody will ever want me

Hmm today and thinking made me realise maybe some people have been right, maybe i will get much better/less mute as i get older..i'm hardly a child anymore and if this sa just left me alone on my 18th birthday i'd be really pleased..maybe even if i still got depressed and wanted to d*e etc.

Could be i'm away from school environment..anyhow something has improved. I'll prolly still be quiet but i'm glad i'm able to talk to random people better..still seem 2 have down day when i find it harder but i just hope i am improving (what's more i'm doing it alone) realising maybe i won't get picked on like in school..and be able to have a laugh with people like today in college.

Just such a shame college have thrown me out. Maybe now i'll go downhill again as don';t have to face the environment in college evry day. ::(: :rolleyes:
Ic..Not improvin with bad thoughts nd depressive improving in actually some aspects of being sa.

Mainly improving in talking to people. Big step for me..kinda.


Well-known member
It's not kind of a big step, it is a big step. Talking to people is a huge part of life and if you can do that, it's definitely a big step in the right direction. Many of us can't even do that.

Maybe you just need some direction in your life - you know, figure out what you want to do so you'll have some motivation and then the depression/anxiety will lessen a bit more.


Well-known member
I'm glad to hear that! Good for you!

(I would say more, but it will probably get deleted anyways... Just trying to be a friend...):D

Let's throw her a phobia party!!!

Lycra I am very happy for you and this is a HUGE step, as Harley said. You probably are not going to backslide permanently, don't worry. Just remember that it's going to be a bumpy ride to recovery. The correctional half-way house for social phobes is a strange place, I'll tell you that.

P.S., why were you picked on? Youre ****ing hot. ;)
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Eh, I'm actually for Anti-school environment. School hasn't been so nice to me in the past, its the only place where i can't be myself. I just feel so restricted and trapped in school. Where as say a work enviroment, i get more control because i control where i go and what i do, i don't need no stupid hallway pass to walk in the halls.