Meeting a friend...what to do?!


Well-known member
A friend of mine is in town for a couple of weeks and he suggested we meet somewhere...

Now, I haven't been "out" with friends in a very, very long time...So long, in fact, that I have no idea what friends are supposed to do together (especially when it's two of them) coffee? movie? (I prefer the movie idea because it takes socializing out of the equation).

So do you have any advice? I already turned him down on his offer to go out with him and his two friends (neither of whom I've ever met before) to a pub because I honestly don't think that will go well at all...(the last time I did go, people just didn't like me so I shut up for the rest of the night).



Well-known member
Try something where there isn't too much pressure to socialize. I don't really like grabbing coffee or drinks where there is sort of that pressure to converse (which usually results in awkward pauses and periods of silence). I'd look into doing something where there isn't too much pressure to socialize but you can still hang out. A movie like you suggested might be good and it would give you something to talk about afterwards, or a comedy show. You might also consider doing something sporty like playing a round of golf (if you do) or going to the pub for a drink and playing billiards.


Well-known member
Maybe you could go for a walk. That way a silent pause is a bit less awkward cause you can just walk for a moment, rather than just sitting and staring at each other until you think of something to say. Perhaps the constant change of scenery might give you something to talk about.


Well-known member
Go to a music show if available. That way you won't be able to hear each other, so you won't have to talk. Also, when the band is playing you can think of things to talk about when the band is done.

Just a suggestion.

I don't see how you guys go to the movies. It's so awkward for me. Like when you go into the theater and you are walking through the dark corridors and then BOOM!! a hundred people staring at you as you look for a seat.


Well-known member
y'all should go see "the expendables"!! it's a guy movie, and i heard it was pretty good! and you could go at a time when not too many people would be there so you wouldn't feel awkward.... then if he wants to bring other friends, it'd be fine because you wouldn't feel pressured to talk much to them either, and if you do have to converse afterwards, you'll have the movie to talk about :)


Well-known member
Put a cooler full of beer in the back of your pick-up. Then drive down to the dump and shoot rats. You guys got guns, right?


Well-known member
Put a cooler full of beer in the back of your pick-up. Then drive down to the dump and shoot rats. You guys got guns, right?

Lol, that actually sounds like loads of fun, do u really do that in canada?

I would suggest getting lunch somewhere to catch up, even if its just at a fast food place. It might be a stretch if it makes you really uncomfortable, but i really don't think it would go that badly