Low self esteem

I reach out to no one in real life. I'm much better at reaching out online.

I am horrible at maintaining friendships though.If someone doesn't reach out to me regularly, I don't contact them. It isn't because i don't care though...I just don't want to be a bother

Yes, exactly how I feel.


Well-known member
I've found out that there are two parts when breaking free from the vicious cycle that is social anxiety / low self-esteem and they're remarkably similar to getting results in the gym.

There's a theoretical part and there's a practical part and both are dependent on each other. The theoretical part (this is important if you have Asperger's, NLD, PDD-NOS or any disorder that impairs your social skills) consists of learning the required social skills, ways to cover your low self-esteem, and so on; the practical part is simply gradually forcing yourself to leave your comfort zone, to target your weak spots and to repair them.

One part without the other may not yield the desired results; just reading online guides and books on social interaction will get you nowhere unless you leave your comfort zone. Likewise, just forcing yourself out of your comfort zone without knowing what to do may not yield the desired results either.


Well-known member
I feel exactly the same. My anxiety extends into the virtual world just as much as the real world. Even in video games where I'm completely anonymous. I can't think of a single time I have approached anyone with the goal of getting to know them in real life or online.
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My parents gave me no emotional support which gave me low self esteem. I did grow out of it to a point but the world is so different now. I'm the nice girl that everyone uses so it makes me cautious of everyone now when I just want to believe people are good.


Well-known member
Oh hai there fellow low self-esteem peoples! :D

Yeah, I have low self-esteem and outright dislike myself. I dislike how I look, I dislike how I suck at socializing/small talk and I dislike how I don't fit into the aggressive confident flirty role guys are expected to partake. I'm way too laid back and shy...oh and there's the anxiety and self-consciousness too. Hahaha!

I've found out that there are two parts when breaking free from the vicious cycle...

Yeah, that's what I/others like to call the "fake it till ya' make it" approach. It definitely has some merit!