I think you should lighten up on the thought of going to a prostitute as being abhorrent. I probably felt like you for a long time, but finally gave in. If you dont want to lose your virginity to just anyone, you may be waiting a very long time. You can get some experience, and still continue to look for that special person. Why does it matter if that special someone is your very first experience? Having your first experience with someone special, seems to be more of a demand that a very conservative girl would have. Street hookers can be somewhat trashy, and something you want to avoid. I have used Asian massage parlors where the girls are sometimes very cute, pretty, or beautiful, and not trashy looking at all. They could pass for a beautiful office worker. You may have to look around for one that has beautiful massage therapists, though. Some will only have more average looking workers. If you can travel to Canada or Mexico, you can find beautiful Latina or Caucasian girls, with less problems of it being a legal issue. In Mexico, I would stick to the Gentleman's Clubs, if you want classier women.