Living in a Dream World

I've lived in a dream world since I was a very small child. I'm not sure how or why it started. I've also not been aware I do it until very recently.

I don't have made up characters. I have delusional ideations about real people. I imagine them to have qualities they don't actually have, or imagine us to be closer than we really are.

Alot of my resentment toward people has been a result of people not living up to my delusional expectations. I am glad to have finally realized I do this, so that I can begin working to change this and let go of unwarranted resentment.

However, I also find this very disturbing to have discovered about myself.

Does anyone else experience this? If so, can you give me some insight on this?


Well-known member
In the older times, people with imagination were highly valued.
(Just read a later Anne of Green Gables book...)

Well, even now, imagination is good - especially if you're eg writing books or inventing new things or programs or in any of the other creative industries..

Sometimes, having ideations about other people or oneself can be good too. For example, you may treat them better etc. Or you may do good things you actually thought impossible..

I think recognizing you've had ideations is a good start, it's the process of growing up.
Many people have these ideations and sometimes aren't aware of them.

A lot of the time, resentment has to do with 'shoulds' ('if they loved me, they should be like that..') So if you manage to let go of the shoulds (which CBT helps you to) and rephrase with 'it would be good if...' (while really meaning it, ideally) you're on a good way...


Well-known member
I think its a common trait with people who have SA. I think we all deal with it to some extent, I know I have.
People not living up to the expectations we place on them is definitely a problem I have faced quite often. I have very high expectations of myself and treat people very well and expect them to do the same for me, and when they don't the resentment creeps in...
You're most definitely not alone with this one.. ;)


Well-known member
Alot of my resentment toward people has been a result of people not living up to my delusional expectations. I am glad to have finally realized I do this, so that I can begin working to change this and let go of unwarranted resentment.

This is huge. Awesome! Good for you.

From Wikipedia's list of symptoms for Avoidant Personality Disorder:
Utilizes fantasy as a form of escapism and to interrupt painful thoughts
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Well-known member
My powers of imagination are not enough. Reality itself is tough to grasp. A world on top of that?


Well-known member
My powers of imagination are not enough. Reality itself is tough to grasp. A world on top of that?

You're doing it all wrong - the idea is to avoid dealing with the toughness of reality by imagining a world that's easier to grasp.


Well-known member
yea i daydream a lot.. like if there's a good song on the radio i think of good thoughts like being in a action movie and at night i'll think about someone i may have never met or someone i only met once instead of someone i'm somewat closer to..