List all the self help books you have


Well-known member
List all the self help books you have :)
I have:

Dying of Embarrassment
Who's Pulling Your Strings How to Break The Cycle of Manipulation
The Anxiety Cure
Public Speaking Without Pain
Speaking Up
Anthony Robbins Unlimited Power
The Magic of Thinking Big
Power Thoughts
The Power is Within You

I guess I have more self help books as opposed to normal books. Some of them were excellent but some were in the middle and some were terrible overall. Not surprised since I got 2 or 3 of them for free at a college back then.

How about you guys


Triumph over shyness
Shyness a bold new approach
How to win friends and influence people
How to make someone like you in 5 minutes or less
you can do it
How to make anyone fall in love with you
The psychologists book of self tests
What makes people tick
All in the mind
How to start a conversation and make friends
Contact the first four minutes
Conquering shyness
Detox your mind
New age hypnosis
How to be a people magnet
101 ways to deal with bullying
Assert yourself
Master your memory
You can communicate
The feeling good handbook

...and I still have no friends.


Well-known member
Just one. The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook. They're all just variations of the same things to me so I don't really read any others.
I only got ''What you must think of me'' by Emily Ford.
it's a book about a teenage girl living with social anxiety.

btw i also have the anxiety work book on my iphone,
its very nice and interesting.



Well-known member
I only got ''What you must think of me'' by Emily Ford.
it's a book about a teenage girl living with social anxiety.

btw i also have the anxiety work book on my iphone,
its very nice and interesting.


i have an iphone too, what the app called? :)


Well-known member
Living Fully with Shyness and Social Anxiety by Erika Hilliard
Beyond Shyness: How to Conquer Social Anxieties by Johnathon Berent
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie
which i think are all good books-

i had read How to Sell Yourself: Winning Techniques for Selling Yourself, Your Ideas...Your Message by Arch Lustberg- and it had some good tips on breathing exercises


Active member
I have too many to name.

My favorites and the ones that are most helpful to me are both by the late Dr. Claire Weekes:

Hope and Help for Your Nerves
Peace from Nervous Suffering


Well-known member
1. how to heal depression
2. the art of conversation
3. little green book of persuassion
4. Friendship Book: The Art of Making and Keeping Friends
5. the mystery method

none of those books are good , except the last one.
This many


Thanks Sial I was starting to think I was the only person without any. :confused: I've never had the impression that self-help books are anything more than taxes for offense to other people...actually that will probably offend a lot of people anyway so I guess sorry is more appropriate. ::(:
Thanks Sial I was starting to think I was the only person without any. :confused: I've never had the impression that self-help books are anything more than taxes for offense to other people...actually that will probably offend a lot of people anyway so I guess sorry is more appropriate. ::(:

Well, if a book can't interest my short attention the book or books will sit and collect dust. My fear is, buy, read, okay makes sense. Wait ... what was that sound? Set it down and never feel like opening it again.

Really is frustrating, too, when you reach end of page which may end with word consistently. Okay, I don't remember what I read. Reread page. Very slow. If it repeats, slam book shut, I'm done.


Well-known member
Thanks Sial I was starting to think I was the only person without any. :confused: I've never had the impression that self-help books are anything more than taxes for offense to other people...actually that will probably offend a lot of people anyway so I guess sorry is more appropriate. ::(:

Schools, universites, and colleges all use text books on subjects as part of the learning process. Not everyone will benefit from those books, but they are a tool used to benefit some people. Likewise not everyone will benefit from a self-help book, but there are those that do, and for those people the books are a godsend.

Also (and I refer more to personal development books), you are learning from people that have been there and gone through what you have been through, or has learned the secret of success through what they have achieved in life. If you are an fairly un-important person, then you don't speak to all these successful people personally, so reading their stories and thoeries are often key to overcoming your challenges.