Life Sucks indeed! Please Reply me..


New member

Well, Like the title, I feel that my life sucks. I moved from another country, when I was in high school. My English was- and is- terrible. The first day of the High school was the begining of my darkend days. I try to talk to other people ( Well I was thinking inside Lets talk), but I could not even make the very first step: saying "Hi". Whenever I open my mouth to say "HI", without any warning, my mouth is muted. And my brain will revolve around only one thing: What would that person will think about me? Is he/she going to say any thing funny about me? Or is he/she going to ignore me? This all the fear.

Like this way, I could not find any friends. Three years passed.

If you check my MSN, You can just count with your fingers, the number of contacts. Same applies to Facebook and etc.. Even If i have some one, I just feel like what would they say, if I talked to them.

I never had a girlfriend( hahaha this funny bcuz, I never talked to girl as even just a friend). If I am talking to a girl then, it will be just saying "Yes" or "No" to the counter girl. I try to eye-contact with the girl I like,but I just feel like, they will ignore me, so I just watch staight, even though I would like to gaze upon them.

I am a F***ing wierdo I guess. When ever I loggen in my facebook, I always try to go to others page and look at the photoes. I look at how happy are they in parties and other social events. I always feel jealous and wished I can be there too.

I am ugly as F***.
I am terrible at people skills.
Even simple smile gives shock to other people ( My teeth are Horrible).
My hair is curly and ugly.
I have pimples everywhere.

If i see a pretty girl at a distance, I always hide my self.

I am realy ashamed of my self. Even to talk to my room mates.

I feel like I want to kill my self. But I dun even have guts to do that.

Even rite now I fear, how many people even look at this post.
Any body can you give me little bit of hope? Please. : ::(:


Well-known member
My life sucks too, but today I woke up feeling pretty good, and it's not that great to have a bf or gf if you can't make them happy being so miserable with yourself. In the end they want somebody to be their sunshine, not a cloud to haul around. So today I decideced that I'm a great person but I just have to show it.


Well-known member
Hi there!


Well, Like the title, I feel that my life sucks. I moved from another country, when I was in high school. My English was- and is- terrible. The first day of the High school was the begining of my darkend days. I try to talk to other people ( Well I was thinking inside Lets talk), but I could not even make the very first step: saying "Hi". Whenever I open my mouth to say "HI", without any warning, my mouth is muted.

May I ask, is this because you were saying hi in another language? I tend to get very nervous if I have to speak a foreign language too.

And my brain will revolve around only one thing: What would that person will think about me? Is he/she going to say any thing funny about me? Or is he/she going to ignore me? This all the fear.

Ah, now this is the most paralyzing thing about social anxiety. It's the crux of the problem, and the very thing you have to beat.

Think of it this way: how important is it that the other person won't like you? What's the worst thing that could happen? When you think about it rationally, you might see that the only bad things that could happen would be a result of you caring too much what they think.

One solution is to hedge your bets by getting to know three people. That way, it is very likely that at least one of them will be happy you spoke to them. No two people will respond the same way to a new person.

Like this way, I could not find any friends. Three years passed.

Tell me: is this better than the worst thing that could happen if you spoke to people and they didn't like you? Or is it worse? Or about the same?

If you check my MSN, You can just count with your fingers, the number of contacts. Same applies to Facebook and etc.. Even If i have some one, I just feel like what would they say, if I talked to them.

Find out! Try - you'll never know unless you do. Start here. Start a conversation with 5 people of your choice on this forum. Send each one a pM asking them what they've watched lately on television, and why they liked it. See what you get back. Go on, give it a whirl!

I never had a girlfriend( hahaha this funny bcuz, I never talked to girl as even just a friend). If I am talking to a girl then, it will be just saying "Yes" or "No" to the counter girl. I try to eye-contact with the girl I like,but I just feel like, they will ignore me, so I just watch staight, even though I would like to gaze upon them.

Always remember that girls are, first and foremost, human beings. They're just other people. I think there's a lot of thought about, 'men are from Mars, women are from Venus', but we're all from Earth, you know? Just treat us as men in skirts - I promise you it'll be fine.

I am a F***ing wierdo I guess.

Hun, you're a human being who thinks and feels and worries, just like the rest of us. Only difference is you've let the worry eat away at you too much. You're fine apart from that!

When ever I loggen in my facebook, I always try to go to others page and look at the photoes. I look at how happy are they in parties and other social events. I always feel jealous and wished I can be there too.

Well, I'd suggest that you simply don't look at the photos. They're just getting you down and not helping you actually get to a party. Do the above; start conversations with people and see what it does for your confidence. Soon enough once you do that regularly, you'll find that you get invited to an event or two. Then is the time to think parties! But not now.

I am ugly as F***.

I would say that I doubt that, but I suspect you'd just snort, say, 'bollocks!' and scroll on to the next reply. But you very probably look better than you think.

May I ask a question? What's the quality of your skin? You might well find that the only thing you have to look after to feel good about your looks is your skin. Everything else falls into place if your skin is all right.

I am terrible at people skills.

Didn't we all start off this way, though? You're not a complete beginner at people skills. You've already displayed some by being here.

Even simple smile gives shock to other people ( My teeth are Horrible).

Okay. What does your dentist say?

My hair is curly and ugly.

Ah! Homie! I've got curly hair too, and I don't like it when it's short!

I have pimples everywhere.

Find a way to sort them. Honestly; find a way to sort them and I can almost guarantee you'll feel happier about yourself. It won't sort all of your problems but it'll make a big difference.

I am realy ashamed of my self. Even to talk to my room mates.

They are no better than you are. Trust me on that. But start here having conversations with people and see where it leads. Your room mates can be dealt with in time.

I feel like I want to kill my self. But I dun even have guts to do that.

You haven't killed yourself because you're sure enough that there is a different solution, or you at least had a suspicion that there was something better you could do. And you're here!

Even rite now I fear, how many people even look at this post.

I did. Whether that's important or not I don't know; I'm just one little person. But you've been listened to and are among friends. Welcome!


New member
Thanks for that little bit hope, but the promlem is:

I always think about " Hey I should change my self, feel good and Do the rite thing" , but I always loose that tiney bit of hope in the fear of rejection.

Do you think I should seek a doctor?


Well-known member
I can relate with some things you said,going to another country can be a shock,one thing you can do is try to find where people from your nationality hang out,they will usually group together,I also never had a long term girlfriend,I dont think I could handle the pressure of having one either.


Well-known member
Thanks for that little bit hope, but the promlem is:

I always think about " Hey I should change my self, feel good and Do the rite thing" , but I always loose that tiney bit of hope in the fear of rejection.

Do you think I should seek a doctor?

I don't think so. Just grab the bull by the horns and go for it! Crash through the barrier of that fear and you might be pleasantly surprised by what's on the other side...