Life is amazing


Seriously. It really is. Just think how awesome life is if you don't have an anxiety disorder. You can walk around in comfort without anxiety. Sit around people without anxiety. It's absolutely awesome.

Life must be great too to not have any other disorders. The other ones that exist I mean. Having something taken from you really makes you appreciate what it was like before.
exactly what I was thinking.. but u cant think per say like thta.. cuz nothing can be perfect as u imagine it to be now..but i completely understand.. :)


Haha yes i know it could be amazing without anxiety. I had 0 anxiety when i took some medicine for sleep. It was AWESOME. Like being freed from the mental cage that SP is. Freeeee. Of course i dont want to name that pill cause it has some nasty side effects too, and I dont want to encourage ppl to try it.

Do u know how it is with 0 social anxiety ? :D

Yeah I think I do. I've been practicing fighting against the anxiety for several months and the other day I had a very strong anxiety attack out of nowhere and I withstood it and afterwards I felt no anxiety whatsoever. It was amazing. I think the anxiety broke momentarily because I withstood it's best attack. Shows me that I'm stronger than it.


SA is pretty much the main source of all trouble in life for me. Without it I would have to say everything would be perfect.
...Or course of life is a reason for developing SAD ::p:

If life was really good, people trustworthy, everybody was looking straight in your eye and smile on you (age, cuteness and romantic prospects independent), no school or job problems, helpful doctors, enough income to afford any treatment or lifestyle changes, wouldn't this be amazing :rolleyes:

Everything is connected.


...Or course of life is a reason for developing SAD ::p:

If life was really good, people trustworthy, everybody was looking straight in your eye and smile on you (age, cuteness and romantic prospects independent), no school or job problems, helpful doctors, enough income to afford any treatment or lifestyle changes, wouldn't this be amazing :rolleyes:

Everything is connected.

Well my SAD is mostly a result of a combination of really bad luck and my own mistakes earlier in life. I wouldn't blame it on other people. Really no one is to blame besides just bad luck and myself, and the human brain I guess.

Now of course if I was uber rich that would make it easier sure but how many people's lives wouldn't be significantly improved with a huge influx in cash? Anyone would benefit from that. No I think I've just reached a point where I can appreciate the good things that you have and may take for granted. Good emotional and mental health is definitely one of them.


Super Moderator
It would be amazing for a while, until you get old and start thinking about how much you have left and what will happen when you die... I find it depressing. But I've been not in my right mind these days, so don't listen to me. I'm just talking crap.


Well-known member
Yeah I thought that for some that may be the case. So is it purely biological then?

No, I think it's more like shyness that evolved into SA due to a circumstance that is different for everyone. I was shy as a kid and when I started secondary school I was still shy, but now I just rememberd that I was talking to girls and some guys in my classes at that time, so my SA hadn't started. Something I can't explain happened to me after that and I locked myself in my room for six years, only going out to go to school but not talking to anyone. When I tried to have a normal life after six years, I realized I couldn't. I was like an animal who was extremely scared of everyone, only because I wasn't in contact with anyone for six years so my shyness grew and grew until it evolved into SA. I couldn't cope with it so I locked myself for an additional four years. Now that's ten years of my life wasted and I'm 22, which means I didn't have an adolescence. Anyway, all that to say that it's not biological and if I hadn't locked myself up, my shyness would've probably vanished at some point.


No, I think it's more like shyness that evolved into SA due to a circumstance that is different for everyone. I was shy as a kid and when I started secondary school I was still shy, but now I just rememberd that I was talking to girls and some guys in my classes at that time, so my SA hadn't started. Something I can't explain happened to me after that and I locked myself in my room for six years, only going out to go to school but not talking to anyone. When I tried to have a normal life after six years, I realized I couldn't. I was like an animal who was extremely scared of everyone, only because I wasn't in contact with anyone for six years so my shyness grew and grew until it evolved into SA. I couldn't cope with it so I locked myself for an additional four years. Now that's ten years of my life wasted and I'm 22, which means I didn't have an adolescence. Anyway, all that to say that it's not biological and if I hadn't locked myself up, my shyness would've probably vanished at some point.

Interesting. Well, you're still pretty young so you've got time. I don't really understand the shyness association with SA. Does it include anxiety and the more extreme traits of SA?


Well-known member
Interesting. Well, you're still pretty young so you've got time. I don't really understand the shyness association with SA. Does it include anxiety and the more extreme traits of SA?

I have everything except panic attacks.
I had SA, OCD and other problems. I can say that I've beaten the first two to a very large degree. I used to be very shy, especially around girls, but I'm much less so now. I took up jobs and other tasks that forces me to interact with others.

I'm burned out now, but all those things cured me to some extent. For OCD, I just mostly used willpower and logic to combat it. I still have small episodes, but nowhere as bad as they used to be.

My life is still not good at all. My other problems are still too big for me. I don't know... If I had to choose between no problems and an indomitable will, I'd choose the latter.


It would be amazing for a while, until you get old and start thinking about how much you have left and what will happen when you die... I find it depressing. But I've been not in my right mind these days, so don't listen to me. I'm just talking crap.

I'm looking forward to death actually. How do I put it... my life vessel is not suitable or sufficient for me. That's not to say I want to kill myself or anything but for some reason a sense of relief comes over me when I remind myself that I am mortal. I'm sure I'd still be terrified of death if it were presented to me right now though.
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Super Moderator
I'm looking forward to death actually. How do I put it... my life vessel is not suitable or sufficient for me. That's not to say I want to kill myself or anything but for some reason a sense of relief comes over me when I remind myself that I am mortal. I'm sure I'd still be terrified of death if it were presented to me right now though.

That's how I feel when I'm depressed. I don't care about death, I even think of suicide. But in more "normal" circumstances I panic over the thought of death. But that's not all... I also think of what will happen afterwards, if there's something else or we will just vanish into nothing ::(: I've even tried to imagine how that feels... I don't know how to explain it, but the thoughts are destroying the last tiny bit of sanity I had left.

Bah... sorry if I'm going off topic :c


Seriously. It really is. Just think how awesome life is if you don't have an anxiety disorder. You can walk around in comfort without anxiety. Sit around people without anxiety. It's absolutely awesome.

Life must be great too to not have any other disorders. The other ones that exist I mean. Having something taken from you really makes you appreciate what it was like before.

Your talking about a robot...


That's how I feel when I'm depressed. I don't care about death, I even think of suicide. But in more "normal" circumstances I panic over the thought of death. But that's not all... I also think of what will happen afterwards, if there's something else or we will just vanish into nothing ::(: I've even tried to imagine how that feels... I don't know how to explain it, but the thoughts are destroying the last tiny bit of sanity I had left.

Bah... sorry if I'm going off topic :c

Hmmm...that makes me wonder if I'm depressed. My therapist told me that anxiety and depression share the same pathways in the brain or something like that.

I don't really care though (oops maybe I am depressed). I'm already resigned here. I understand what different things have steered my life to where it is right now. Firstly my relationship with my mother which handicapped me bigtime then now some other things that have happened.

Could be worse though. All I can think about now is pursuing higher education and achieving financial independence and generating some kind of repeating income like from interest or something. That would be great. Then I can spend my days in peace reading and stuff like that.