Laughing a lot!


Well-known member
When I talk on the phone sometimes I just have to put the phone down and laugh like crazy. This also happens if someone is trying to open up about something that shouldn't be funny. Sometimes I can be really calm but then all the sudden randomly just laugh over who knows what or random thoughts that come :confused: Is there some way to control this? ::eek:: It also seems to have to do with certain drinks tea
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Well-known member
I don't know about that... but it reminds me of my two cousins who refuse to go to funerals or wakes or anything because they are so afraid of being inappropriate. Last time they went they couldn't stop laughing and making death jokes etc... even tho it was our Grandmother that died and they were really sad about it. I remember I was like so mad and yelling at them and stuff.... but I find it funny, that now they just refuse to go altogether....

No idea about how to stop it tho, sorry. But... it is kind of a funny problem to have, albeit kind of sad... I mean no offense! I know it must be frustrating :/ Sorry I can't be of any help :(


Well-known member
I think we all get the giggles at some time or another. I think its just a matter of selfcontrol.


Well-known member
yes i do that as well i find humor in a lot of bad things , i know i shouldnt but i tend to laugh at most things me ... just my way i soppose , iv been in a room with lots of people being serious about stuff and i look at there faces and have to walk out of the room and snigger , like my family all getting together when my dad died all talking about how his money should be shared , the looks on there faces all serious money money money , there life is consumed by money , what it can buy them ect ect eyes popping out of there heads looking at eachother .... i had to walk out and smile and snigger .. sad or wot


Well-known member
This weird guy came to work the other day and was talking to me. At the end of every sentence he would do a sound like ooooouuarrr. I guess he couldn't help himself.

I just started to laugh for no reason. I couldn't control myself and I felt pretty bad for him.

I usually don't have that problem. I can be serious. I guess it would suck to never be able to control your laughter.


Haha I get like this a lot over the wrong things, I just assumed I was weird or something. If it's really inappropriate I try to focus on something I really hate like spiders or something. Funny video btw lol.


Well-known member
I have had this on occasions; it’s usually brought on by being nervous and not really knowing how to deal with the situation. I don't think there's much you can do, just hope it doesn't happen.
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Well-known member
This problem with inappropriate laughing happens to me often. I mostly laugh about things that would not be funny to others so there is no reason to explain what I am laughing about. I act inappropriately very often and people have trouble understanding me.