Last One To Respond Wins!


Well-known member
Never! I posted Iron Maiden, so I automatically win. Forever. Anything posted after this post is totally worthless and a waste of time.


Well-known member
I don't want the win anymore. Anyways, winning is so last minute ago. You take it since you like things that are last minute ago.

Reverse psychology win.


Well-known member

Sorry bout that


Well-known member
Re: Warning legal action against all responders in this thread

Young lady, you have just trespassed onto private property and the rest of you are in trouble for it false impersonation. Anyone that says " I win" besides me are impersonating me. I am calling up my hundred million dollar lawyer to take legal action against this thread.

Uhmm, OK. :)


not actually Fiona Apple
er, *ehem*, Fiona Apple>Iron Maiden, Judus Priest, and the Beatles (combined)

For using her name in a post, I win.