Last One To Respond Wins!


not actually Fiona Apple
Good move, puma. I think I may just have to call in a favor *Sends Mr.B a PM*

Yeah, just you wait, when he calls dibs for me I'll win! :D:rolleyes:
Good move, puma. I think I may just have to call in a favor *Sends Mr.B a PM*

Yeah, just you wait, when he calls dibs for me I'll win! :D

Yeah, good luck with that. ::p: Now if you'll excuse me, I'll have to find for a cure for the lethal radiation that Midnight's magical multicolor win emits. :D

Creates a unpenetrable barrier to protect me from
MidnightStar's Magical Multicolored win's radiation
so I can have a radiation free WIN!


Well-known member
Weren't you in that movie? ''Philly vs Predator''?

Yes I was.


My biceps have since grown so beware.
Oh no, the last time there was a debate involving the loss of lives and gaining of wins, everyone lost their memories and only I remembered what happened. But of course I can only tell you what happened if it means I'll be the last person to post here :cool: