Last One To Respond Wins!

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
The win is mine! Muhahaha! ::p:

Distracts MidnightStar with some cute internet cats doing cute internet cat things, and replaces her win with a carefully crafted fake win that even Professor Winningdale, the world's foremost expert on wins and current head of Win Studies at Oxford University, would have difficulty distinguishing from the real thing.


not actually Fiona Apple
Hey, what would happen if we all the same time :eek: Would we all win? I don't know, but for now I'll be taking this solo win. :D

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I just travelled to the future in my ACME Time Machine and changed the last post to this one!::p:


As Coyote will tell you, you simply can't trust ACME equipment to do what it's supposed to. I'm afraid it took you into the past rather than the future, and you've actually changed the first post in the thread.

Which means I win.
I call dibs on the very last post that is ever to be made in this thread!

..Yeah, bet you all wished you did that, didn't you. >:3