Just wanted to say hello.


Hi, everyone.
My name is Todd, I'm 40, and I'm AvPD. It took quite a while to admit there is something amiss in my head and personality. But after accepting the fact my kid is ADHD, and these disorders are real (after spending years denying their existence) - I set out to find out what my own demon's name is.

I was about as normal as one could get until I was about 11 or 12. Then, social situations started making me anxious and I became increasingly sensitive to any criticism. My schoolwork and grades suffered, and I was always in trouble for not paying attention. It got to the point in the mid-eighties that my dad had me see a child psychologist. After two or three sessions, and my mom telling the receptionist to "get to the bottom of this - we can't afford it", I was curtly told by the "doctor" there was nothing wrong with me but the "poor me's".

Then the sh*t hit the fan. The criticism became nonstop. I grew to loathe myself more and more, all the while growing increasingly anxious over any social situation. I turned to fantasy to escape. Fantasy girl, fantasy job, fantasy life. People loved me in "my own little world", as my father always chided me.

My perceptions grew darker and darker until I thought I was genuinely crazy. I couldn't take the slightest hint of criticism. I hated myself with a passion. Any time I walked down the street, I could feel people watching me, and I was sure they had nothing good to think or say about me. My basic speech is an arduous task, to get the simplest of stuff out of my mouth. Any relationship I was in ended in misery. I was as critical of her as I was of myself. I couldn't do anything right. I started playing guitar, and had been told how good I was. I didn't believe it, and there was no way I was going to play for anyone. After all, they'd just point out what I was doing wrong and tell me how I sucked.

Then, I started drinking. It actually helped. Not to suggest that to anyone else, but it got me to the point where I no longer cared what anyone thought of me. It also brought all the negative trappings of alcoholism, but I could live with myself. It's not a justification - it's just the truth, and the way it's going to be until I find an effective alternative. It's absolutely a crutch. But, if one has a bum leg - a crutch is called for if I'm ever going to walk.

So, here I am today - in my self-medicating, self-loathing, self-imposed solitude. I've got a third-shift job, to lessen the amount of time I have to be around anyone. I started searching the Web for mental illnesses I might have. I was pretty sure I would need to be locked up and medicated into a drooling stupor. The more I searched, the more I saw none of these illnesses fit me very close. Until I just said "screw it - I'm probably antisocial, and should turn myself in forthwith". But that didn't really fit, either.

That search for antisocial led me to a link to Avoidant. The bells went off, and every symptom was me in spades. Then, I looked into SAD, and how that can be a prelude to AvPD. Also my childhood story to the letter.

Knowing what I have doesn't make it go away. But my demon now has been named. Somehow makes it easier to accept. Blaming anyone won't change anything, either. I mean - what are they going to do, say they're sorry? Take it back? No - so there's no reason to care about it and let it consume any more of my head. It's full enough of self-judgement.

Sorry to make my first post a novel. Contrary to what I'm telling myself this very instant, someone may find it interesting.


Well-known member
Hi tcwall, and welcome to SPW :) I'm sure you'll find someone who can relate to your story on these boards as most of the people here are very friendly and understanding IME.

Me I'm bipolar, but I also used to suffer from severe social phobia, depression and anxiety. I'm not to familiar with AvPD but I know a few things about alcohol and drug abuse. I'm personally probably bordering on alcoholism myself, but so far I've kept from drinking when I'm alone or depressed, but I usually have a few beers and drinks every day and a lot more in the weekends and off days.

Do you have any kind of social circle at all or are you actively rejecting everyone around you? Maybe it can be easier for you to be social online?

Anyway I hope you will find your stay on these boards as helpful as they have been for me in the past. :)


Hi, upndwn.

I actively reject social settings, unless I'm buzzed. Drinking alone is how I get the nerve to go anywhere. Oddly enough, I drink so I can GO to the bar. :)

Online is about my only socialization with any meaning. I have a few acquaintances, but I have over the years pushed away anyone who tries to get too close. Even my family.


Well-known member
I have a tendency to push people away myself, especially my family. I get really uncomfortable when someone gets to close, intimacy scares the living crap out of me.

How do other people see you when you are drinking? Do they really now the real you or are they only acquainted with the drunk you?

Growing up with alcoholic parents I know the effect substance abuse can have on those close to you. I spent most of my childhood and teen years in denial of my parents alcoholism. I am certain my shame and guilt was the trigger for most of the problems I've been struggling with in my adult years. The point is alcoholism and other substance abuse destroys life, not just your own but the lives of those around you as well.

But I am not here to preach to you, but I do hope you can overcome or at least learn to live with your problems without resorting to self-medication. You have my best wishes :)


The real me is hard to know. Because the real me is a mouse in the corner.

The drunk me doesn't have much to say, either. But, at least he talks.


Well-known member
tcwall, I sent you a friend request, I hope you don't mind. Anyway if you want someone to talk to don't be afraid to send me a message : )


Well-known member
Welcome to the forum, Todd. I hope you can find some comfort here. Look forward to hearing more from you. :)