Just want to share a proud moment...


Well-known member
You are certainly allowed to feel strongly about your beliefs Wishing but stepping on another's proud moment is not very becoming of you. I meant to share my experience in a very positive way. I am actually a very kind and gentle soul who just so happens to hunt. In the fall I bowhunt deer too. I am allowed to kill two deer on my legal state deer tags. There are way too many deer in this part of the country and are considered a nuisance where it is necessary that their populations are controlled. So given that, each year I take one for my family and I donate the other to Salvation Army to feed local families in need.

I am not tooting my own horn but you should be aware that my intentions are pure and I feel quite strongly about this too. Yet, I have not condemned you for your beliefs.

I'm not condemning you at all i just don't agree with it. If that's what you're into good for you.


Well-known member
I'm not condemning you at all i just don't agree with it. If that's what you're into good for you.


I also find it a bit sinister when people take photos of people smiling with the dead animal they've just killed. It's like they have no compassion. Especially people who kill animals for sport.

Hmmmm, I am confused then... I am I the sinister one for hunting or my wife for taking the picture? Your post wasn't quite clear to me. By the way, she is a mental health therapist for children with autism. Although she will never hunt an animal herself she was proud of me and did SHOOT the picture so I guess that could be considered "sinister". :perfect:


Well-known member
Hmmmm, I am confused then... I am I the sinister one for hunting or my wife for taking the picture? Your post wasn't quite clear to me. By the way, she is a mental health therapist for children with autism. Although she will never hunt an animal herself she was proud of me and did SHOOT the picture so I guess that could be considered "sinister". :perfect:

I'm not going to turn this into an argument. Lets drop it.


Well-known member
I'm not going to turn this into an argument. Lets drop it.

:kiss: I agree. Can't we all just get along! :kiss:

You know, I might take up hunting coyotes this year too (no offense Coyote, it is nothing personal). You see, they kill a lot of little deer fawns, turkeys, squirrels and rabbits. (Much like the cute little one in your profile pic WishingICould). Now obviously no one eats coyotes, duh, but they make an excellent meal for area hawks, owls, BALD EAGLES and vulchers.

You see, there is ALWAYS a positive side! :bigsmile:
It's all in how YOU choose to look at things.
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this whole subject is not even remotly connected to HH... but anyways.
as a vegan myself i think its your right to do whatever you want even if some people are offended by it.

i think its much more humane to kill a wild turkey in 1 shot rather than enslaving him inside a tiny cage for the rest of his life, injected with growth hormons and vaccines untill he's slaughtered. (he=it, but i prefer he)

if everybody would be eating like that the world would be much better place then it is now.

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In closing, I do not own a rifle or a shotgun. I hunt only with a bow just as our ancestors have done for many thousands of years (although mine is a bit better than theirs). I have always respected bow hunters for the primal aspect. It's not so much the "joy of the kill" but rather the "pride of the hunt". I don't expect non-hunters to understand but there is a difference. Whether or not you are a meat eater it is likely that man would not have evolved without it. So get over it! (and damn, I look good in camo. LOL)

I applaud you not only for not trophy hunting but also for choosing the bow as your tool. Such is why the last two hunts I went on I took only a .357 revolver. I enjoy the stalk of the animal and the skills to get close enough to humanely dispatch it with my chosen handgun. It's too unsportsmanlike, in my opinion, to shoot (not hunt) animals at 200 yards and farther with a high powered rifle with a huge optic(scope). Let me go further in saying that more hunters should be like you and I in the sense that to gun down an animal and then not respect the quarry enough to eat it, to me, is wrong. Coyotes, in my state, are a different matter. I have routinely shot them up to and including 300 yards with my rifle. You see, here they are a pest- they ravage the deer and small animal populations as well as kill domesticated pets and livestock. Some would consider this a heinous act, however I hate to have to shoot a cow or horse that has been badly mauled by starving coyotes so I look at it in two ways: the state fish&game dept. authorized the harvesting of any and all coyotes up to a certain degree simply to minimize the damage they do as I outlined above. Secondly, I'd rather shoot a poor, starving coyote to end it's suffering and keep it from killing/eating someone's pet. The state officials will not let them be hunted to extinction or any other species for that matter and they keep a close count as to how many are within the state's borders. Too bad you aren't in Tennessee, HHdisturbed, I have some great deer hunting places! (this is in no way an insult to Coyote the moderator, as I doubt that he has ever chewed on a live horse or cow)


Well-known member
I am too but a bit unfair to say when I don't expect to see stuff discussing hunting on this forum..not the right place for it in my opinion...
Not liking it is fine, but a social anxiety website isn't the place to talking down to somebody in my opinion

Dont like what somebody post, leave the thread and don't comment. A lot of people on here have an issue with bullies, not need for you to bully people just because you don't like what they choose to do with their lives.

Congrats on the accomplishment.
I have huge respect for bow hunters


Well-known member
Not liking it is fine, but a social anxiety website isn't the place to talking down to somebody in my opinion

Thanks but it's ok. Didn't really feel as if anyone was talking down to me. It doesn't bother me that people have differing opinions. I was just a bit put off by the fact that that so many feel it necessary to step on another's positive and proud moment. It's as if their mommies didn't teach them that if you don't have anything nice to say that you shouldn't say anything at all.

:bigsmile: Just wait till I discuss getting that big buck this fall with my bow while balttling the tyranny of hyperhidrosis! :thumbup:
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Well-known member
Bow hunting whoa! I've never even touched a bow before. ...and I propably shouldn't ever, given my terrible hand eye coordination. Sure takes skill to hit and kill a Turkey with one shot from that far. Congrats on the kill and enjoy your meal. :thumbup:


Well-known member
You use one of those Duck Dynasty turkey callers from the tv show?
I like that show, Si makes me laugh.

But laughing makes me sweat.

sad face.


Well-known member
Love that show too. I used a Primos "Cutter" Box Call and a small Quaker Boy plunger box call. I don't like the mouth calls. They make me gag.

I battle severe sweating when hunting which you want to avoid at all costs during deer season. Deer can easily smell a human from 200 yards away so sweating is a bad thing! I am a bowhunter so I prefer a shot thats 30 yards or less. So I shower with scent killer soap / body wash, wash my hunting clothes with scent free detergent and use scent killer spray in the woods. When it comes to deer hunting being scent free means becoming invisible. Sweating is your enemy in this equation.

The worst part is when I am walking to my tree stand or blind especially in the early morning darkness. I may walk a quarter mile or more over terrain and through the woods. I try to be in a tree stand at least 30 mins before daylight. This is because I need about 20 mins to towel off and dry up before I respray with scent killer, put on my camo hat, jacket, gloves and face mask.

This year I plan to take 2mg Advert before bed the night before hunting to see how that works. Although they work well for me, I cannot use the Secure Glyco Wipes before hunting deer as that would add to my scent in the woods. Grrrr!
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Well-known member
Yes Sprawling, it really works too. It can even neutralize the smell of gasoline on your hands. There are now a dozen brands of the stuff. I use Scent-A-Way by Hunter Specialties and it works quite well. Just be sure not to get the "cover scent" type that smells like acorns or fresh dirt (unless you're into smelling like that). But the goal is to eliminate any human scent that will make deer turn and run the other way. You can find it in every hunting department. There are even hunting clothes infused with scent blocking elements like carbon alloy. They are expensive though.

A deer's ability of smell is 100 times greater than that of a humans and is their greatest defense. If conditions and wind are right they can smell a human from 200 yards or more. Not only from our body smell & breath but the scented detergents, soaps and shampoo we normally use. Controlling those human scents in the woods is the single biggest game changer when it comes to deer hunting.

Washing ALL hunting clothes in scent neutralizing detergent, using scent control dryer sheets and immediately putting clothes in zip-loc scent bags, using scent control soap, shampoo, toothpaste & deodorant and spraying yourself with scent killer spray in the field are all important aspects of scent control when hunting. Heck, after showering before a hunt I will only dry off with a towel washed in the scent control detergent so I have zero fragrance. However, playing wind direction to my favor during a hunt is equally as important. You want the wind in your face to blow your scent away from the expected direction of the deer. This is why I have 8 tree stands in strategic locations throughout my 24 acres of woods. This will be my first deer season on this property and I am beyond excited!

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