10 mins before class I decided not to go (i live 5mins away from campus) because I knew if i walked in late (if your not 10mins early to get decent seating your "late") i'd have to sit between to strangers or on the steps of theater style seating for two hours.
I cannot hold a regular conversation with someone without sweating. AHHH! had to get that off my chest. it's frustrating
Actually I had a very similar situation this past week. It was a day where I had not taken any Avert (same as Robinul) and I had a 10 minute walk to class so I was all sweaty. I was sitting in the bathroom stall cooling off and I looked at the time and the class had just begun. I was mostly cooled off but still a bit sweaty from my walk. (even mild physical activity makes my face and forehead drip)
So there I was, class had just started, and I was mostly cooled off but still a bit sweaty. I decided to just go home and not go to class because I figured I would have to sit in the front of the class since I was a bit late and I didn't want the whole class to see me with sweat everywhere. I was just about ready to go home then I decided to just be strong and go to class, kinda as a test of the situation. I told myself I would force myself to go anyway and if it went really badly well then next time I'll know better.
So yeah I made myself go to that class, and with great relief I noticed one of the seats in the back row was empty, so I gladly sat there. It took about 10 minutes for me to cool off completely, then I was dry for the rest of the class. Sitting in the back row makes it harder for others to notice except for the ones sitting right next to you.
Actually, 2 weeks ago in that same class, I had a situation where I was not so lucky as to get an empty back row seat despite being late. It was a day when I was mostly on time but for some reason half the class had arrived early and the two back rows were already filled. I had to sit in the middle of the classroom, and I was sweaty from my walk. (I had sat in the bathroom to cool off for only 5 mins but it wasnt enough)
So there I was, 2 weeks ago, sitting in the middle of the classroom, with a sweaty face and sweat dripping down. I could tell some people were staring at me. I seriously considered just getting up and leaving, but I decided to be strong and just wait it out. I had gotten 5 mins of "cooling off" in the bathroom already so I knew that I just needed 5 or 10 more mins to cool off completely. So yeah I just waited it out and then I was dry for the rest of class. Those 5 mins seem very long when you're all sweaty, but it's not like I was giving a presentation or anything, most people were looking at the professor. Plus they would have noticed me even more if I just got up and left. It's better to be the guy who was really sweaty for 10 mins than to be the guy who got up in the middle of class, left, and didn't come back. You're gonna run into them the next class anyway.
I think when you suffer from social phobia or hyperhydrosis, or both, you have to resist the urge to walk out. There are times when you have a very good reason to walk out, yes. Sometimes it's just so bad and it's getting worse and worse. Or sometimes you know in advance that's it gonna be really bad so you just don't go. But in most situations, the best is to just go and be strong and wait it out. After about 10 mins most of the sweat would have been gone and you're going to cause more of a scene by walking out or skipping than by just staying calm and carrying on. There have been times when I'm giving a 10 minute presentation and by the 5th minute I just wanna walk out and say to hell with this. But I realize that if I'm in the 5th minute, I already completed half my presentation. Might as well just finish it off as best I can because walking out will just make more of a scene. Or even worse, the professor might make you redo it later on.