Job interviews


Well-known member
I can't really help you, since I never went to an interview before. I can give you 1 advice though, be motivated ! If you're not, act like it !


Well-known member
This is my general advice, and how I handle them (I've been to a lot of research interviews and some job interviews).

Don't be afraid of being nervous. I find that not trying to hide being nervous helps in not being nervous, lol. Also, even if you are nervous, be confident at the same time. I know that sounds like a paradox, but it isn't. Be bold in what you say, and most of the time the interviewer will understand that underneath the nervous wreck is someone very much capable of the position.


Active member
I think it´s important to not to try to be someone you´re not. Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses but show that you are eager to learn. No matter how nervous you might be try to focus on your skills and the reason why you want that job. Don´t forget all the things you have to offer and look the interviewer in the eyes.
Jobs even help overcoming certain fears. Don´t let your fears win.

In the end being unemployed is worse than the few minutes or hours you spend at a job interview. I´ve been unemployed for a while and felt extremely useless. I wouldn´t leave the house or talk to anyone. Good way of losing friends.

Anyway, good luck to those of you who even got the chance to go to a job interview which I think is a success.


Active member
I find its best to dress up smart, walk in with a smile on your face, shake their hands and answer the interviewers questions as calm and politely as possible... Then leave knowing that you've done your best.


Active member
Before I go into a job interview I have plans to say the things I wanna say, but when the time comes for the interview I forget what I wanna say. I guess the more you think about what you wanna say the more you end up not saying it. hahahaha I hate it.

This has happened to me too so I learned my answers by heart. However, it´s difficult to make the stuff you want to say not sound like you learned them by heart. I often forgot a word here and there so I just sat there sounding like a babbling and stuttering robot. Interviewers don´t seem to be fond of people talking like idiots.


I hate job interviews. I am looking for a job at the moment, and its wearing me out going to one after the other, waiting then getting rejected. In fact whole process of job hunting is exhausting. But to answer your question I guess the best thing to do is to be enthusiastic and genuine. Smile (but not to much), and be calm (although I do suspect that job interviewers are used to nervous candidates) give a firm handshake when you go in, dress nicely and most importantly be prepared with answers to the typical job interview questions.

Also be prepared for inane questions that have nothing to do with the job itself like "why are you interested in working for this company when there are so many other company's like us..." etc...


Well-known member
What matters for me is not to pretend i am someone else... Thats when the nervousness goes away... Plus there will always be this 1 question that will trap you in a corner so just go and see what happens and if lucky u got the job..