Job assistance for mental disabilities


Well-known member
You need to becareful with some people... They will claim to sympathisize with or even be like you, but they really want to exploit you, (for varies reasons) because your an easy target. The rule of thumb is; if your hearing unconstructive negativity, do not trust that person, EVER.


Well-known member
I used to beat myself for years thinking I was a loser, a slacker, mentally handicapped, w/e; until I realized the problem wasn't me. The problem is with society. SA is part of a much bigger problem in the world...

Hey,, can you elaborate on this opinion? Im beginning to find that it could be society, too. I get anxious when i have to put on a face or be ubathentic, or hide secrets. Its all required to be... not judged, or rejected from work or some parts of social life (small talk)


Well-known member
The worst advice you can get from anyone is to "suck-it-up." And I'm surprised anyone on this forum would say that???? Is this for support or to make us feel more alienated?

Yes it hurts on the ears, but sadly "suck-it-up" is the only viable option that i have been taking all my life.


Well-known member
oceanmist, I kinda doubt you have SA as well. There is nothing wrong with asking for a little government assistance until giantyx can figure out how to manage the disorder. It takes a lot of courage to admit you need help. There are a lot of people who have taken advantage of such programs and have end up leading indepdant productive lives. Look at J.K. Rowling! She was on welfare in the UK and ended-up being a multimillionaire author. Sometimes you just need a little time to gain the perspective you need. Wisdom comes with time.

Um, okay, so you think I don't have SA? You don't even know me. What am I doing on this site if I don't have SA?

For like 5 years, I didn't even have any friends. That screams SA. Anyway....

I don't have a problem with people getting food stamps. Food is a necessity and should be given to people who have very low incomes.

That isn't just about people with disabilities, but that also has to do with how screwed up the wage world is: example, a busboy gets practically minimum wage while he does more physical labor than the waitresses and the waitresses get paid way more than the busboy.

As for disability, my problem with the disability thing is that in my country, most people that get disability are perfectly capable of working a job. The worst thing about it is that they rake in 800$ a month for doing nothing. They can literally sit on their butt and be unemployed and pay rent + get enough money to for extra activities.

Example: I know someone who is a very effecient worker and has full strength as far as job qualities go (excellent social skills, outgoing, hard worker, quick at his job, persistent, great health) and this guy works as many hours as I do and gets $800 a month more than I do just because he's on disability. He works the same job I do. I'm sorry, but that is total BS. I even told him I thought it's BS. That is so not fair.

The dude is not disabled. There's no reason he should be getting that much more money than me just because he convinced the govt. that he is disabled when he clearly is not disabled.

There is a glitch in the system in my country that lets freeloaders freeload and it's BS.

I sympathize with people who have SA, I am one of those people so I totally understand the pain and suffering that come along with our problem. I just don't think we should be given extra money that is not for food. You can't convince me that some with SA can't work at least 30 hours a week.

It's bad enough I have SA, but when I have to look at someone working with me that doesn't have SA and he is just raking in $800/month for doing nothing, that doesn't sit well with me.

I know I may sound insensitive, but hey, I've got SA too, so it's not like I'm speaking out of turn.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
As for disability, my problem with the disability thing is that in my country, most people that get disability are perfectly capable of working a job. The worst thing about it is that they rake in 800$ a month for doing nothing. They can literally sit on their butt and be unemployed and pay rent + get enough money to for extra activities.

Example: I know someone who is a very effecient worker and has full strength as far as job qualities go (excellent social skills, outgoing, hard worker, quick at his job, persistent, great health) and this guy works as many hours as I do and gets $800 a month more than I do just because he's on disability. He works the same job I do. I'm sorry, but that is total BS. I even told him I thought it's BS. That is so not fair.

There is a glitch in the system in my country that lets freeloaders freeload and it's BS.

You can't convince me that some with SA can't work at least 30 hours a week.

I know I may sound insensitive, but hey, I've got SA too, so it's not like I'm speaking out of turn.

Not everyone suffers from SA in the same way and there are levels of severity. And just because you have SA doesn't mean you know how someone else with SA feels in their everyday lives. SA is more than just not having any friends. I read somewhere that anxiety is the number one reason for work disability. With that said, yes, many do abuse the system and it is angering. Still many of the people on assistance really do need it. $800 really is not much, and they are not allowed to make more than that. Where I live it would barely cover rent, and that is about how much people on disability get here. I don't understand how your friend can make money on top of that unless he is paid in cash? Not everyone is like your friend; many genuinely need the aid. BTW, I don't get disability but I have read about it. Just checking out my options and all that.


I agree with Razzle on this one. There is definitely a wide range of conditions and severity when it come to social issues. I mean it could be just anxiety, or it could be social anxiety, or it could be social anxiety neurosis and then variety of clinical conditions. Plus in addition to that some people different issues to the mix like OCD or panic attack disorder. So there is no way one could fully understand how the other person feels or when he or she is ready to move on to a full time and/or social job.
As for the original question, I havn't come across such service, although I definitely googled it at some point. I think it is a great idea, because I know there are plenty of low and high qualification jobs out there that require minimal social interaction. It doesn't even have to be direct employment service,even just list of all possible careers and maybe some links of where to go or how to get started would be great help for the community.


New member
Yes, I am saying that.

I have severe SA but I have had the courage to work many different jobs throughout my life.

Nobody should be given disability checks just because they are afraid of going to work.

I do console with you because yes, it is harder for people like us to work. But we shouldn't be getting paid $800/mo or whatever it is to sit at home all day. That's just BS, I'm sorry.

I'm one of the people that are out there working and there is no reason someone who stays home and doesn't work should be making more money than me.

I am one of those people on disability due yo many health issues. I worked hard doing nonprofit work, making poop for pay, helping the people who I hoped to never have to be like kn one way only...on disability. I think you are very brave for working but would beg to offer one possibility...the day may come when your world crashes and you NEED help. Know where that line is for you. Be slower to tell the rest of us your version of right and wrong. I know you are not being insulting but you words still can hurt others. Just something you can take or leave.....